What We Really Need Is Another Coffee Mug

Here it is May 18th and we’re drinking coffee out of the Christmas mugs again this morning; that’s the way I know its time to wash dishes.
Perhaps it’s a commentary on our long happy weekend but I washed two bowls, three glasses and 19 coffee mugs!
Except for drug dealers, Ginny & I are single handedly supporting the entire economy of Columbia.
My friend Wes took me out to breakfast at a Golden Oldie’s Diner. We were the only customers in the place and we got to talking theology as usual and laughed so hard I thought the manager might put us out.
Later we drove to that antique store where Ginny & I went over the weekend because I’d seen an electric fan there that I thought might interest Wes.(He collects antique electric fans; he’s weird). But the fan I saw did not meet his criteria as a collectable. How was I to know?
Anyhow I bought a surprise for Ginny. I wrapped it and I’ll put it in her bag when I pack her lunch tomorrow. I wrote on the package, “You Are My ….”
Inside is a coffee mug featuring Wonder Woman!
I hope it pleases her.
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posted by John Cowart @ 10:16 AM

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