Mother's Day

Ginny & I skipped church again this morning. Instead, we lounged in our garden and dabbled with the birdfeeders and at rooting impatiens until Donald came over announcing that our websites appear to be back up. Thank God.
For Mother’s Day lunch the kids took us out to Harpoon Louie’s where we munched on the best onion rings I’ve ever tasted.
Eve was already there waiting for us; she’d been to church expecting to meet us there. Jennifer and Pat arrived soon after.
Donald & Eve came to our house after lunch and we sat in the garden talking about computers, the trials in Kansas (a distraction of Christians from real issues), and censorship in libraries.
Eve explained her criteria for buying books at her library.
It is based more on financial considerations than book content. If you only have $500 to spend, that means you can buy this book or that book but not both.
So a primary factor is the need various readers have made known to the library’s buyer. For instance, if a school class is studying Hamlet, then it behooves the library to have Shakespearian materials on hand. If 50 library users show an interest in raising blue tic hounds, then the librarian is likely to buy dog books.
After Eve & Donald left, Gin & I went in to watch tv, a quintessential Mother’s Day movie, Field of Dreams,and I fell asleep on the recliner for hour and hours.
Please, visit my website for more and feel free to look over and buy one of my books
posted by John Cowart @ 10:00 AM

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