Boy, Are They Gonna Get It!
This morning my friend Wes told me something appalling.
Wes took me out for our weekly breakfast at Dave’s and instead of talking about spiritual matters and theology as we usually do, we got to talking about church stuff.
Wes said that a while back he’d been witnessing to a wino in the park and encouraged the man to come to church with him.
When they got there and were seated before the service, the ushers came and asked the man to leave because he was smelly and not dressed appropriately for the church service!
How ghastly!
What will be the appropriate dress code on Judgment Day?
I can’t think of a Scripture verse to back it up, but my impression is that we will all stand before Almighty God stark naked.
He will listen as we answer for the way we live, the people we hurt, the indifference we show, the words we say, the good we do not do, the attitudes we hold.
Will Christ know us?
Or will we be strangers?
It’s easy for me to get indignant about the church people who put the bum out. But do I do the same sort of thing? How many people do I brush off because they don’t fit my criteria for being members of my set? Because their presence is inconvenient at the moment?… Why, sometimes I push away my own wife and children because at that particular moment I’m involved in something more important to me than they are.
I’d qualify as an usher!
Lord, please be merciful to John Cowart, a sinner through and through.
My website server is down again this morning!!! It was down all weekend. It was up Monday. It was down Monday night. It was up Tuesday afternoon... And now it's down again...
Do I detect demonic influence here? Or is it a technical malfunction — and is there a difference?
I think Bill Gates hates me. He sits in his office somewhere browsing my site every day and pushing little gray buttons to screw it up. He does not do this to anybody elses's website, but he puts my server up or down like he's playing a computer game....
You know, I think I've been up way to late and I'm getting flakey... I'd go get some icecream but my wife says I'm not to go near the refigerator when I've been working all night.
She says that sleep deprivation impairs my judgement and makes me groggy; and that when you're groggy you are not supposed to drive or opperate heavy equipment... And as everybody knows, refigerators are heavy...
so I'm to stay away from it.
Good night, Everybody.... You too Mr. Gates, no hard feelings.
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posted by John Cowart @ 9:56 AM

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