Some Days You're The Pigeon; And Some Days You're The Statue...

That’s what my favorite radio announcer, Dave Scott, used to say before station owners tried to introduce New Coke to the Jacksonville airways and canceled the Dave & Heather Show and I stopped listening.
Today was a statue day for me.
I have promised readers that I’ll always try to update on the first of the month. So I woke up at 2:30 a.m. and began the final push to prepare the new files to add to the site.
I wrote and polished a new Rabid Fundamentalist column. I added to my selection of tasteful, refined jokes. I updated Neighborhood Watch crime statistics. I laid out changes for the home page. I made thumbnails of family vacation photos.
And among the other tasks, I put together a photo essay about the statues of Jacksonville.
Last month Donald took a photograph of the Sailor Statue on the Southbank Riverwalk to use as the cover art for my book Crackers & Carpetbaggers. That got me interested in other statues around Jacksonville so Ginny & I have been going to various locations all month long to take pictures of the Statues of Jacksonville for today’s site update.
Anyhow, I went to afterburners to prepare all this stuff to add to the site. I made arrangements with Donald to come over this afternoon to guide me through the update process.
With little sleep for days and none at all for the last 24 hours I began the update process --- Access Denied!
Our server in Atlanta is down.
I can not touch my own website until tech support does whatever they do…
Some days you’re the pigeon; some days you’re the statue.
Please, visit my website for more and feel free to look over and buy one of my books
posted by John Cowart @ 9:50 AM

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