Fireworks & Celebration!!!

Waved banners. Dance in the streets. Scatter flowers. Kiss strangers. Light bonfires.
This morning for the first time ever the Webalizer statistics for my website, , show that over Ten Thousand readers from 72 countries have spent at least 30 minutes on the site so far this month.
Blows my mind!
I can't imagine why or how so many people would be interested in my writing. I'm just a plain 'ol garden variety Christian and it scares me a bit to think that maybe my life touches so many others in this little way.
Hey people, read Brother Lawrence, David Brainerd, Jeremy Taylor, William Law, St. Patrick or somebody important. John Cowart is about the most wobbly christian on the vine... But, thank you for reading my site. I'm honored.
And I'm also tickled pink to break 10,000 readers. Awesome!
Please, visit my website for more and feel free to look over and buy one of my books
posted by John Cowart @ 9:38 AM

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