Typical Day -- Broken Schedule, Yard Work, Sex Offender, Train Wreck, Volcanic Eruption & Writing

Up at 3 a.m. and did a few chores before dressing to drive Donald to the airport at 10 a.m. — as the louse had arranged for me to do yesterday.
Fortunately I checked his blog before I finished getting ready to go. There, I discovered that he had already left for the airport without telling me!!!
And here I’d planned my whole week around having his van and feeding his cats.
Therefore, I found myself with no schedule for this week. I decided to hell with it and dabbled in the yard, first climbing on the roof, cleaning gutters, and removing winter debris; then beginning a thorough cleaning of the pool.
A short MED Neighborhood Crime Watch meeting tonight; there’s to be a group yard sale next weekend but Gin & I want to pass on this one..
Afterwards we drove to Barbeque Junction where we munched while reading our books, ignoring eachother in warm, comfortable, happy intimacy.
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Up at 3 a.m. and worked on Stacy letters till Gin got up at 6:15. After she left for work, I continued edging the yard till the battery-operated string trimmer ran out of power. I clipped and rooted a batch of colangas to back the impatiens along the east fence.
This afternoon C. called quite upset because police computer records reveal that E.H., a registered sex offender and rapist, has moved in just a few doors down the street from us. She is contacting everyone in MED Neighborhood Crime Watch to discuss what, if anything, should be done.
Railroad tracks run just behind our house and this morning a train squished a guy just down the street near a Chinese restaurant where we often eat. Cops question whether he may have already been dead and his body placed on the tracks for the train to mulch.
The evening tv brings more news from Indonesia: following the Christmas tidal wave, and the Easter earthquake, today a volcano erupted killing yet more people…When Donald gets back, we’ll talk about sending more aid…
A Petty, Self-centered Thought: If the Indonesian translation of my book on prayer ever does get printed, will there be anybody left to read it?
Please, visit my website for more www.cowart.info and feel free to look over and buy one of my books www.bluefishbooks.info
posted by John Cowart @ 9:10 AM

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