Sludge -- Spiritual & Physical

Here in the web I have at my finger tips the most effective communications system the world has ever known and here I have less constructive to say than ever before.
Essentially I feel like a spiritual paraplegic. And when I can move, it’s to do something wrong.
But enough of that whining.
I spent the day at my daughter’s house clearing rain gutters and giving her pool its spring cleaning. Between the two projects I filled about eight trash bags and a garbage can with assorted decomposing bugs, sticks leaves and other tidbits of scum and sludge….My but I’m in a cheerful optimistic mood, aren’t I?
Then, tonight Donald rewound the rubber band or whatever it is he does with the server’s computer and I was able to post the May updates to So there you can find many to the photographs I have talked about in earlier blogs.
I send out a spam sort of newsletter about the first of each month to people who have shown an interest in the site. Here’s a copy:
Hi Friends,
This is another note from John to let you know about the May update to my website.
Thank you for your interest in . The Webalizer April Site Stats (in the left column) show that over 13,000 readers from 70 countries spent at least 30 minutes each on the site. That’s twice as many readers as last month! Wow! Thank you. This means so much to me.
I’ll try my best to make visiting the site worth your while.
Five of my six grown children were in for a family vacation last month. They brought digital cameras and took hundreds of pictures. So you’ll find several new photo essays on the site now Including:
The Statues of Jacksonville: Donald’s photo of the Sailor Statue for the cover of my Jax history book, Crackers & Carpetbaggers, got me interested in what other statues I might find in the city and here’s a sample of what I found.
Photo’s of Sandy’s Garden:. My son Johnny took these pictures of a lovely garden we came across while looking at various statues.
Ginny & John’s 2005 Spring Garden: Pix of my backyard.
Cowart Family Vacation, 2005: 45 photos of Cowarts in their natural habitant.
Recently, I have been keeping a John Cowart’s Blog on the storefront site and now there’s a link there from my homepage. I try to update this blog daily, more or less. It’s easy for you to add comments on the blog site and I’d like to hear whatever you have to say.
My Rabid Fundamentalist column for May is titled Cat Fight. It’s about — you guessed it — a cat fight… Well, the theological implications of a cat fight anyhow.
This month there are more Links For Kicks – And, within the next two weeks I’ll have a link on my homepage to an odd website Donald is constructing. It will be called Dream Library where you can tell what you dream about and read what other people dream. Sound interesting? I’ll post the link as soon as the site is up and running.
For MED Neighborhood Crime Watch members, the crime statistics for our area have been updated for May, and there’s information about what to do if you are alone when you have a heart attack.
And, as always, for you more discriminating, cultured readers, I have included even more of my tasteful, refined jokes.
Hope you enjoy it all.
John Cowart
Please, visit my website for more and feel free to look over and buy one of my books
posted by John Cowart @ 9:53 AM

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