Yet Another Happy Day -- Ginny was off work

Another pleasant day in the garden with Ginny. We devoted our time to non-essential gardening fun: adjusting a wind chime, leveling flagstones, repotting plants – just little niceties we don’t usually have time to get around to.
But mostly we just sat drinking coffee, enjoying eachother, talking and watching birds come and go. We saw the first redstart of the season as well as bluejays, cardinals, cow birds, grackles, a red-bellied woodpecker, wrens, a red-winged blackbird, and three species of dove. Our big topic of conversation was whether they were Carolina wrens or marsh wrens – as though we’d know the difference even if they wore name badges!
And our garter snake is back; it shows up about the same spot every year. Glad to see this old friend again.
I feel a great sense of gratitude and thankfulness that God has given us such a pleasant place to rest and talk and love and pray. We’ve done nothing to deserve such enormous pleasures.
While such days do not make for exciting blog reading, they certainly do make for great living.
Here’s a quote from this morning’s devotional reading; it’s from a sermon by 18th Century preacher Charles Spurgeon:
''The wings of our hours are covered with the silver of His kindness, and with the yellow gold of His affection. The river of time bears from the mountains of eternity the golden sands of His favour. The countless stars are but as the standard bearers of a more innumerable host of blessings. Who can count the dust of the benefits which He bestows … or tell the number of the fourth part of His mercies … How shall my soul extol Him who daily loadeth us with benefits, and who crowneth us with loving-kindness? O that my praise could be as ceaseless as His bounty!
A bit flowery but right on target.At His right hand are pleasures forevermore.
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posted by John Cowart @ 10:13 AM

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