A Nice Lady's Blog Question

Every morning I check out a couple of blogs that have caught my interest. Among these is one written by a refreshing young lady who bills herself as Funky Bug (http://funkybug.blogspot.com/ ).
She’s seeking an A in a psychology class and posed this question about one of her assignments:
"Do you think people believe things because they are true, or are things true because people believe them."
Although I enjoy reading other blogs, I usually don’t comment. I’m not used to this internet thing and always feel I’m intruding if I’m tempted to comment. But her question intrigued me and got me to thinking so I wrote the following reply:
Pirates buried their treasure under the old oak tree. If we believe the old map and dig, it’s ours. If we do not believe, it stays buried right where it is.
Here in my home state of Florida, the hurricanes come whether or not anyone believes the meteorologist’s warning and evacuates.
I love my wife even when I’ve acted like such an ass that she finds it hard to believe at the moment.
The AIDS virus swims upstream, even if I believe my partner’s claim to be clean.
Your Lotto number may be a winner even if you tear up what you believe to be a useless ticket.
That big gaudy brooch in Grandma’s bottom dresser drawer really is a diamond cluster even if you believe its only 1940s costume jewelry worth a quarter.
Truth is truth.
Our belief — or lack of it – marks us as believers or unbelievers. Our belief – or lack of it — has no bearing on the truth of the matter.
What do you think?
I’m interested.
Incidentally, last week in changing servers (a pox on all their houses) my e-mail address (john@cowart.info) has disappeared for the moment. Donald is restoring it but it may be down for a couple of more days. Please be patient. I’m not ignoring you.
Please, visit my website for more www.cowart.info and feel free to look over and buy one of my books www.bluefishbooks.info
posted by John Cowart @ 10:14 AM

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