A Red Letter Day

Do I detect a hint of bitterness there?
Went out to breakfast with Wes. We do this every week or two. He has finished proofreading Crackers & Carpetbaggers. We worked at correcting the proof copy and it’s ready for posting in a final version. We also discussed recording some of our conversations for podcasting; Wes is particularly interested in making a recording of an organ concert by Jacob.
Today's conversation ranged wide covering subjects as varied as labor relations at his job, printing, bioethics, Ginny’s fall, scientific frauds, human misery, family relationships and the strong and weak points of Cambridge Bibles as opposed to Oxford Bibles.
Wes, a master printer, told the story of a radio preacher who railed against Bibles which are printed only in black ink and do not have the words of Jesus printed in red ink. The preacher denounced imagined liberals who “Are taking the Words Of Jesus out of the Bible”!
I think Heaven is going to seem a very strange place to this preacher when he gets there.
Jesus may save us from our sin, but He doesn’t seem to save us from our own ignorance.
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posted by John Cowart @ 10:13 PM

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