Computer Frustration, God's Nature, New Book and A Run-away Photo of My Pipe

I called Donald who came over and did something or another to the machine and taught me how to do it right. Thank God for him.
We (meaning Donald while I sat in my easy chair and watched) also designed and posted the book cover for my latest Lulu book, I’m Confused About Prayer. Now that book is available to the non-praying public also. It addresses questions which bother me about my own faith. Questions about the existence and nature of God, about his word and world.
Donald & I discussed the appropriateness of questioning God.
Questions do not destroy faith; questions focus faith.
Of course we should question God.
That’s prayer at its purest in that it acknowledges him as supreme. If you want to know something, you don’t ask someone dumber than you are, you ask someone smarter.
We don’t question inanimate or non-existent objects. We never question a brick wall. We only question a Person – a Person we can reasonably expect to answer.
That's prayer.
Anyhow, I’m very happy this book is out of my hands and in the storefront so I can move on with the Stacy Letters.
I rearranged the Bluefish Books storefront too ( Donald helped a little) so now the book covers are large enough to be seen. And the storefront has a lime-green background. And each blog entry now starts with an avantar (Avantar, I think, is a Latin word meaning “little ugly picture”)
I tried to paste in a picture of me with my Elkhorn Pipe but the picture escaped and ran off down the block spilling over onto two pages of text and blotting out everything else on the storefront. That sucker wanted to be a bigger than poster-sized picture.
It turned into the Chicken-Heart-That-Ate-Cleveland.So I had to use desktop Gamma Rays to select and delete it – once more making the world safe for democracy.
Thus endeth today’s lesson in computer science.
O, one other thing: Wes sent me this note:
A visiting minister waxed eloquent during the offering. "Dear Lord," he began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. "Without you we are but dust... "
He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter (who was listening!) leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little girl voice, "Mom, what is butt dust?"
Please, visit my website for more and feel free to look over and buy one of my books
posted by John Cowart @ 9:54 PM

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