The Daily Struggle

Up this morning at my usual 4 a.m. and spent hours entangled in the World Wide Web trying to get the Antler’s, Horns & Haloes article straightened out. I finally managed it by 11 a.m. but my methods resemble using a hammer and chisel on stone to shape the computer site into what I wanted.
Afterwards I walked to the Post Office Substation to mail their copies of my Lulu books to the Library of Congress registry office.
As I walked I ran into a guy I know who hangs around the local library. Although he is the next thing to homeless, has no computer, and no electricity in his house, yet he knew all about podcasting! It seems that he knows a garage band which podcasts their music. And he’s up on the phenomena — I’d never heard the word before yesterday!
Donald called and we simultaneously browsed blog sites from Jacksonville as he guided me through the mysterious world of blogs.
To me it appears that there are a lot of technologically advanced people out there whose sites reek of computer sophistication but have nothing to say. My overall feeling is that these folks should grow up and get a life. (Careful there, Cowart, Judge not that ye be not judged — what's so special about the stuff you're recording right here, right now? This isn't exactly Pepy's Journal!).
Please, visit my website for more and feel free to look over and buy one of my books
posted by John Cowart @ 10:09 PM

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