The Adventure & Romance of a Writer's Life

That’s been my day. John Cowart, human document feeder as I fed 200+ pages of Stacy’s letters through the scanner from 3:30 a.m. till 3:30 p.m.
Ah, the excitement and romance of a writer’s life. Gives me an adrenaline high.
Then Ginny came home from work and things really picked up after dinner as we sat and read our individual books for hours without speaking in quite intimacy.
Hey, the life of a contented, happy couple does not make for much of a story to interest other people; but we wouldn’t trade it for anything else this world has to offer.
Now, Here is another try at the highway billboard sized photo that got away from me the other day; I'm using the html code Donald taught me, so if anything goes wrong blam him. Here is my beautiful photo:

Well, what did you really expect? Is there something simpler than a Dummies book to teach me how to do stuff like this?
Keep watching this space.
No computer code will master me. I'll win the next match.
All your bases are belong to us!
Please, visit my website for more and feel free to look over and buy one of my books
posted by John Cowart @ 9:56 PM

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