A Day In The Bookstore
Ginny & I spent a huge chunk of Saturday browsing in a used bookstore. The prices appalled me. These were used books for Heaven’s sale! I only bought two slender paperbacks for my Florida history collection and they set me back a bundle.
I can’t afford to buy my own books.
I think they must be printed using gasoline instead of ink.
Please, visit my website for more www.cowart.info and feel free to look over and buy one of my books www.bluefishbooks.info
posted by John Cowart @ 4:16 AM

Thanks for coming by the other day. Thank you for your kind words.
If you call your wife Ginny, does she call you Jack?
No offense meant. Just wondering.
Thanks for all the support and encouragement.
I just wondered if you (or your technical engineer) have the capabilities to post .pdf files. Would be very helpful for the posting of letters and dissertation.
God Bless
Hi Big White Hat,
Usually I call her "Gin".
She addresses me as "Love". As in, "Love, the garbage needs to go out tonight" or "Pass the salt pleae, Love" or my favorite, "Love, want to unhook this for me?"
Hi Karen,
I just realized that I goofed and posted my answer on Monday the 10th... I'm lost in a blog.
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