Adventures In Sitting
At 3 a.m. Monday I sat down at my computer catching up e-mail and updating my blog. I worked formatting on my Glog manuscript all day (up to page 207 now).
Occasionally, I’d go sit in front of the tv to catch the latest news on Hurricane Katrina. The tv news followed its usual pattern of presenting worse-case-scenarios before the event, then saying, “It was not as bad as expected” after the event. I suspect the primary mission of tv news is to keep viewers agitated and upset.
Between sitting at the computer or in front of the tv, I took breaks to sit and read, or sit and eat.
Perhaps I need to get off my tail and get a life.
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posted by John Cowart @ 4:20 AM

Getting a life is good...sitting on tail is good too.
Thanks for your beautiful words of wisdom this morning. They are completely taken to heart.
3 a.m.? I was snoozing.
The news first predicted New Orleans would be under 30 feet of water and caskets would be unearthed and floating.
Then they said New Orleans dodged a bullet, but Mississippi took the brunt. The reporters looked pretty deflated as there were no big catastrophies to report on at the time.
Now, they seem almost gleeful that New Orleans is flooding and the overall death toll is rising along the Gulf states. As more devastation is being seen, they are all getting their groove back.
Bad news just seems to make their day.
Good news would be depressing to them I think.
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