Work I enjoy
After all my work on the pool and yard repairing the damage from Hurricane Dennis, and after all my fooling with doctors recently, Wednesday I finally resumed work formatting the manuscript for my novel Glog.
Glog, a science fiction/humor fantasy, relates the adventures of a sentient dinosaur in the Chesapeake Bay area where he prays for divine guidance while being buffeted by adverse circumstances which confuse the creature to no end.
I hope, God willing, to finishing formatting and have Glog ready for the printer within the next two weeks.
It feels so good to get back working in my own element!
I enjoy writing, yet I avoid it by enmeshing myself in grade B projects. Yes, I have studied time management books, yet I gravitate to old work habits all too easily. I envision long, golden blocks of uninterrupted time so I can do massive amounts of work at one coherent sitting – but life is just not like that.
I still need to learn how to eat the elephant one bite at a time.
Drove Ginny to her doctor’s appointment in the afternoon.
She is sick of seeing doctors!
Later, over an Italian dinner at Kosta’s, we discussed our personal medical guidelines and policies. There is nothing wrong with either of us that can’t be accounted for by our age and we’re tired of being jerked around about tests and procedures we don’t feel are necessary to our health and happiness. So we made several general decisions we plan to stick with:
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Oh, the eye doctor said that my macular degeneration is stable, that my vision is unlikely to get worse anytime soon, and that I don’t need to see him again for one year.
All I can say to that is: FTL! FTL! FTL!
Jennifer called saying she and Pat finally have a contract to sell their home. That’s a mixed blessing; they avoid foreclosure, but they have to find a new home and move in a month. She asked me to help dismantle and move their pool…. Joy Oh Joy.
Hurricane Katrina lies south of us. Jacksonville may feel its fringes. We’ll see.
Please, visit my website for more and feel free to look over and buy one of my books
posted by John Cowart @ 8:32 AM

Yes, I'm hoping Kat is kind to you.
That's such good news about your eyes.
I'm so glad your vision will remain steady and not deteriorate for what looks like a good, long time.
I hope that remains the case for years to come.
Well, we will hope Kat misses you completely and that is great news on the eye front.
Ah yes, good luck tomorrow!
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