Happy! Happy! Happy!
Appointments with doctors bookended a happy day for Ginny and me.
She had an 8 a.m. appointment with Dr. A., her eye doctor (no problems); I had a 4 p.m. meeting with Dr. D for a general physical. This was my first meeting with Dr. D. and I’m favorably impressed. He looks cool -- like Mr. Rodgers did on tv. He appears to have a firm grasp on reality. He acted as though he knows what he’s doing; and he treated me as though I were the only patient he had to see today.
Of course, he ordered tests.
One visit to a doctor spawns others.
One thing I kicked myself for later was that during our appointment, Dr. D. mentioned that he’s just had done on himself the same tests he’s ordered for me. I did not pick up on that to ask about his health. I mean, nobody would have these tests just for the fun of it. I plan to call and ask him about it.
In between doctor visits, Ginny & I enjoyed a delightful day together. We carried a carload of stuff out to the mission (yes the same mission where I staged my Great Brassier Hunt but nobody there recognized me – Thank God!).
We also strolled through a woodland park and along a boardwalk over a swamp. And we just hung out in the Krystal’s parking lot -- leaning on the car, chatting, smoking, and sipping Coke like teenagers. Very relaxing. Lord, but we had a good time!
When we got home, we discovered that while we were seeing doctors and strolling in the swamp, seventeen copies (17) of my various books sold on line today!
That makes me so happy!
I’m delighted.
To those of you who bought copies I extend my hardy thanks!
Steven King, America’s greatest writer, can’t be any more pleased about his sales today than I am. Thank you.
Today’s book sales inspire me to buckle down with the Glog manuscript, work hard and produce something else worth your reading… or maybe, I should take my hands off things and stroll in the swamp more often.
Anyhow, thank you very much for buying my books. I hope you enjoy my work.
Please, visit my website for more www.cowart.info and feel free to look over and buy one of my books www.bluefishbooks.info
posted by John Cowart @ 5:15 AM

Hope all the tests turn out to be ok. Glad your books are selling.
A day chilling out in between doing things, thats a gift I miss so much! God bless you lots.
Congrats on the book selling. I am wondering, though, John. Is Mr. Rogers really all that cool? Oh, and I hope the test wind up being nothing in the grand scheme of things.
You are so right about how docs spawn into other doc appts. I hope you and Ginny remain healthy and continue to enjoy life together!
Congrats on the selling of your books!!!!
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