Weekend plans, stats, Thanks, & A Favorite Joke
Ginny & I plan to take a long weekend so I doubt that I’ll make another blog posting till next week. However, I do have a few things for you to enjoy while I’m gone:
Over the past few days I’ve transferred all my blog entries from the old Lulu storefront where I sell my books, www.bluefishbooks.info , to this blog. Sorry, but I could not figure out how to bring your comments over with the postings. If you care to follow this blog since my first posting in January, it’s all there under archives now.
Donald has set up a Webalizer counter for my work.
The June stats for my website (www.cowart.info) show 116,249 hits (That’s folks who clicked on the site, saw my photo, and ran screaming into the bushes). Of those there were 8,331 readers from 82 countries who spent at least ten minutes on the site.
The June stats for my blog show 3,744 hits. Of those, 917 readers from 23 countries spent at least ten minutes on this blog.
Thank you very much. I appreciate your interest. I hope my words give you a lift. The main thing I always want to say in my stuff is that THERE IS HOPE.
So, while I’m goofing off the next few days, here’s a favorite joke from my stash:
Bible Quiz
Three ladies died and appeared at the Pearly Gates. The Recording Angel greeted them saying, “Welcome to Heaven. But before I can let you inside, you have to pass a quiz on your knowledge of the Bible. It’s easy, only one question for each of you. Ready?”
The ladies nodded so the Angel asked the first woman, “What was the name of the first man”?
“Oh, that’s an easy one,” she said, “His name was Adam”.
And the trumpets blew, and the angels sang, and the saints cheered, and the gates swung open, and she marched into Heaven.
The Angel asked the second woman, “Ready for your question? What was the name of the first woman”?
“Oh, that’s easy; her name was Eve,” she said.
And the trumpets blew, and the angels sang, and the saints cheered, and the gates swung open, and she marched into Heaven.
The last lady felt apprehensive, “I wish I’d have paid more attention in Sunday School,” she said. “But go ahead and ask your question”.
The Angel said, “What were the first words Eve said when she saw Adam?’
The woman wrung her hands and said, “Oh my goodness. That’s a hard one”.
And the trumpets blew, and the angels sang, and the saints cheered, and the gates swung open, ….
Please, visit my website for more www.cowart.info and feel free to look over and buy one of my books www.bluefishbooks.info
posted by John Cowart @ 1:06 PM

My hope is for better jokes, Dad : P
Amen, Eve. Amen.
Similar to parfait, everyone loves a dirty Bible joke.
That is hysterical!
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