Sunday, June 19, 2005
After church we met the kids at Dave’s. I wore my tee-shirt and the cooks and waiters seemed delighted. Said I had to come behind the counter and cook. Great fun.
Now, I know nothing about anybody else’s sex life, but I’m told that if Dave’s sold liquor it would be considered a gay bar and judging only from the appearance of some customers, that may be right. In fact, I have religious friends who refuse to eat there. Their loss. Gin & I love Dave’s and go at every opportunity. Unto the pure all things are pure, everybody else thinks like I do.
We had a wonderful time.
After breakfast, as a special Father’s Day treat, Jennifer & Pat led us all to a park to show us tall pine tree with an osprey nest! We could actually see three squawking fledglings in the nest. while Mama Osprey soared far above.
Investigating the foot of the tree below the nest we discovered the ground littered with fish bones and scraps dropped from above.
I’d never seen such before!
Quite a thrill!

Osprey Nest w Fledglings
Back home I found that Rex had not only repaired the lawnmower but had come over and mowed my front yard. Nice surprise.
After a swim Ginny & I sacked out in front of the tv watching a b-movie called The Body. Derick Jacoby (sp), Star of I, Claudius and the Brother Caedfile series and one of our favorite actors, played a bit part.
It was about a bunch of silly twerps in Jerusalem who found the body of a crucified man in a tomb and immediately assumed that they’d found the bones of Jesus. So they got all aflutter.
Apparently the film writers and directors have never read a history book. As best I recall the ancient historian Josephus mentions the Romans crucifying as many as 700 men a day during the siege of Jerusalem by Tiberius. Of course, there are crucified men buried all over the place. They’ve been found before and the finding of another one, while a curiosity, has no bearing on the truth Christ rising from death.
I find the Alexamenos graffito, the earliest known picture of Christ, much more significant. I keep a copy of that above my desk and wrote an article, called The Ugliest Picture In The World, about it once.
I think it is hauntingly precious.
But anyhow, in the movie, cars blew up, cute children got kidnapped, the hero made the bad guy swallow a hand grenade, one priest got the girl while the other committed suicide by jumping off a bell tower – and great fun was had by all.
After the movie we both fell asleep on the sofa while the tv droned on unheeded into the night. A great Fathers’ Day.
P.S.: While he was over, Donald posted a bunch of photos of the weekend on one of his web sites and he repaired my blog archives.
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posted by John Cowart @ 4:51 AM

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