Just A Quick Note Of Thanks
I relish indications of God’s goodness to us.
Late yesterday afternoon someone called me asking to borrow $50 to keep from being arrested and going to jail for writing a bad check that needed to be covered.
Although I have to do it sometimes, turning down a request for help from a person in need pains me.
I did not have $50.
But I told the caller that I’d talk the matter over with Ginny when she got home to see if we could scrape together the needed money. I said I would call to let the criminal know in an hour.
As Ginny parked the car and came into the house, she checked our mailbox. There was an unexpected royalty check for my book sales last quarter!
We went from being broke to having cash enough to lend in 15 minutes.
The Lord’s timing in practical matters delights me.
During my prayer time Wednesday morning I ran across an odd Scripture in Deuteronomy where God promises Israel, “Thou shalt lend unto many… and thou shalt not borrow”.
I’m tickled to recognize when esoteric religious notions move beyond the academic into my practical daily life.
The majesty and graciousness and mercy of our Lord sometimes overwhelms me. He is indeed sweeter than honey, more to be desired than gold. He reveals daily marvels if we’d just recognize them.
I feel grateful.
On the down side of yesterday, the heater fan broke again. I think the shaft in the motor is bent because I did not take care of the problem when it first began making that helicopter in the wall noise.
Apparently God doesn’t do neglected rotor shafts.
That problem will have to wait for a couple of paydays before we save up enough cash to afford repairs (I’ve presumed too much on Rex’s good will already).
And the tv weather guy says to expect record-breaking cold tonight and for the next couple of days.
Oh well, back when we were poor, we lived without heat before. Good excuse to snuggle under the blankets together for the weekend.
Richard Rogers, that 16th Century puritan whose diary I’m editing, wrote his whole body of work in chambers headed only by firewood, so I suppose I can continue editing his work in an insulated house in Florida.
The way the work is going pleases me so much!
The Lord has granted me the signal honor of thoroughly enjoying the work I do.
Phooey on Miller or Bud or whichever beer company has the advertising slogan, my motto is — The Christian Life: It doesn’t Get Any Better Than This!
Thanks be to God.
Please, visit my website for more www.cowart.info and feel free to look over and buy one of my books www.bluefishbooks.info
posted by John Cowart @ 5:37 AM

When I got up this morning it was a balmy 8 degrees here in Michigan. If something broke in my heater, I'd turn into a popsicle! Praying for an unexpedted warming in the forcast to cover you - God does do unexpected warmings!
Wonderful to hear you doing well and feeling upbeat. For my part, I hope God does toilets, because I'm not up to fixing ours just yet--it seems to be failing in a couple of ways.
Yes, and the beer isn't even very good.
Seriously though (although I know you're not into seriousness), I was very happy to see your work rewarded in the form of a royalty check, and that you want to use it to help others. You are a gem!
Thank you for lifting my spirits. It is what you so often do.
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