Nothing Much Happening (but I Feel Grouchy Anyhow)
I’ve missed two days journal entries for two reasons:
Nothing much is happening in my life at the moment.
I have little to say — not that that has ever stopped me from posting before.
After a weekend of intense intimacy, Ginny and I are regaining our distance. This is normal, like waves lapping the shore and receding as the overall tide rises. As the poet said, “Let there be spaces in your togetherness”. So we are talked out for the moment and spend our time together in companionable silence each reading our own books.
We intend, God willing, to consolidate man cactus plants into one bed next weekend. My friend Wes came over yesterday and used his truck to haul in some building materials for the bed. Once it’s made, any cactus that shows its head outside the boundary, gets weedwhacked without mercy. I’m tired of thorns in my ankles when I do yard work.
I’m even tempted to transplant the thorn bushes we have planted under each window in the house. They make great security barriers. Any burglar who presses on past a batch of Bougainvillea thorns or Spanish Bayonets deserves anything he’s able to steal afterwards.
Problem is that if God gives me life and strength till Fall, I plan to paint the house and then it’ll be me, not the burglar, who has to contend with the thorn bushes and hornet nests. I’m not sure what to do about these sticker bushes.
The main reason for any security precaution is to make a bad guy think that my neighbor’s house is an easier target than mine.
In the news: The space shuttle landed safely yesterday — much to the disappointment of the media who proceeded to run down America’s accomplishment even though the ship didn’t crash.
Arabs and Israelis are still fighting, but that’s hardly news since the same war has been going on for thousands of years. The latest spark to set them off was the kidnapping of some Israeli soldiers and the Jews responded by bombing. If the Moslems did not want to get bombed, they should have kidnapped Americans; nothing seems to happen when they do that.
Yesterday another earthquake and tsunami hit Indonesia. I wonder about the people who may, or may not, have read the Indonesian translation of my book on prayer (see my June 21, 2005, entry in the archives).
I pray in a vacuum.
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posted by John Cowart @ 8:43 AM

Hey John! interesting post! Good luck on transplanting!!! We are in the process of painting our house now and the temperatures have been roasting.
Take care!!!
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