Getting Out The Door
The Bible contain an odd turn of phrase that I’ve wondered about.
It’s “…Thy coming in and thy going out”.
As I recall that phrase is used a number of times; it’s never made a whole lot of sense to me. I’ve written if off as a quaint old English expression from 1611 when the King James translation was published. I figured it meant something like God keeping track of our progress or something like that.
Sunday morning after breakfast, Ginny and I decided to enjoy our coffee out by the fountain in the garden. I started out the door when I remembered my shoes. I turned around and went back inside to get them them.
I walked outside again and realized that I had not turned off the coffee pot.
I went back inside to do that.
And came back out again.
Ginny came out, said, “oh, I forgot my cigarettes” and went back inside.
She came out again, sat down in her chair, said, “Oh, I didn’t bring my lighter” and went back inside.
And came out again.
I remembered that I had not taken my pill.
I got up and went back inside to swallow it.
Then I came out again.
She said, “I need to stop at the bathroom” and went back inside. Then came out again and sat down, only to realize her lighter was out of fluid.
I went back inside to fill her lighter..
And I came out again.
About then I thought of that odd phrase of Scripture.
“The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore”.
Oh, I get it now!
No matter how confused and befuddled and screwed up we get, no matter how we run back and forth, no matter how big a circle we run in, no matter many times we run in and out without getting anywhere, no matter how disorganized life seems, the Lord watches over and preserves us.
I think perhaps He’s amused.
Ginny and I sat in the garden sipping coffee, watching birds, smoking and talking for about three hours.
A wonderful time in a pleasant place — once we got out the door.
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posted by John Cowart @ 4:44 AM

May all your comings and goings be blessed.
Enjoy your holiday!!! My son is getting our fireworks all ready. What fun!
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