My Happiest Day Ever
Slept an hour late Friday; I did not wake till 5, Ginny slept till 7.
We carried our coffee outside by the fountain and began a free-range conversation that lasted all day.
We drove to Dave’s Diner for a long, leisurely breakfast and we lingered over coffee for almost two hours.
(Oh, by the way, Dave’s will close Monday and Tuesday because another crew is filming a movie using Dave’s as a set.)
Returning home, Gin and I continued in intimate conversation for hours.
I can’t remember everything we talked about but some topics included: birds, our garden, Mark Twain, sex, the Gold Standard, the Roosevelt administration, hair styles, race relations, romantic memories, archaeology, eschatology, cactus, how proud we are of our children, Iraq, great tits, car repair, Florida history, erections, problems at her office, the Titanic, the nature of Heaven, biblical views of property, negligees, college degrees, blogging, Rock Creek Park, and sources of joy.
The day was one of those special times when we meshed together perfectly and enjoyed time to explore and get to know eachother better. You’d think that after 37 years of marriage we’d be somewhat acquainted, but our relationship today was like that of a couple on their first or second date when they are feeling each other out to discover who this person is, liking what they find, and beginning to fall in love.
It felt so good to get beyond our usual conversations of “What’s for supper” or “How are we going to pay that car insurance bill” or “You need to fix that broken hinge”. We did discuss such things but we moved beyond the mundane into soul intimacy.
So, on one level, we did nothing special today.
Just talked and touched and dipped in the pool and drove out to supper and got reacquainted and found eachother fascinating.
When we see Jesus face to face, that may prove to be a joyous happy day, but till then, I don’t recall having ever spent a happier day than this one.
Kinda nice to be in love.
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posted by John Cowart @ 5:33 AM

I recall hearing that the best thing a father can do is love their mother. You all are such a great example of what a marriage should be like.
John, I have just come over from Val's place. She said you needed visitors because, 'nobody leaves you comments because nobody loves you'... Now I don't know about the comments, but after reading the comments on a few of your previous posts; you sound like a much-loved man to me!
Again you prove what a fantastic relationship you two share! I love the range of things you talked about; feel comfortable talking about - awesome!
I love it when Scott and I just happen upon hours of intimate conversation like makes me sad to think that there are couples who forget how to talk to each other.
It certainly sounds like a very happy day!
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