A Blatant Sales Pitch
Tv news showed an appalling scene: a Christmas shopping mob racing into a store on Black Friday – That’s what they call the day after Thanksgiving when the Christmas shopping season opens and retail stores record their biggest sales and profits.
The first people through the door ran screaming as though Godzilla were stomping hot behind them.
Good thing they ran fast because the second wave of shoppers knocked down folks in front of them and stomped them in the floor.
In the mall parking lot irate drivers deliberately rammed cars into other cars battling over parking spaces. Fast shoppers trampled slow ones. Tiny tots screaming for Mommy got lost in the crowd. Old folks got shoved aside. Husbands got separated from wives. Women’s heels were bumped with shopping carts. Young men rolled on the floor fighting over a computer game. People cursed and elbowed and kicked and shoved and snatched merchandise; they actually tore items to bits as they fought to buy.
Some shoppers ended up with human bite marks on their arms and I heard a rumor that one man lost an ear.
Let me assure you that not one single one of these shoppers were fighting to buy my books… No, my books sell on-line to readers of refined, dignified taste who do not bite or gouge out eachother’s eyes in a buying frenzy just to own a copy of Glog,or The Lazarus Projects, or I’m Confused About Prayer.
I mention this because the tv commentators call today Black Monday or Unproductive Monday. This day is given such names because when people return to their offices after the holiday, they go on-line to shop and do no work whatsoever for their companies. Apparently this practice has become a holiday tradition.
Therefore I hope that today as you shop, you will consider buying some of my books on-line at http://www.lulu.com/bluefish .
I can’t promise, but I doubt that you will get trampled or leave the site with bite marks on your arms.
And I guarantee you no one has ever lost an ear from buying one of my books…. Yet.
Thank you for your support.
Please, visit my website for more www.cowart.info and feel free to look over and buy one of my books www.bluefishbooks.info
posted by John Cowart @ 5:06 AM

I have never understood the holiday shopping frenzy *shakes head*
When my kids were much younger, I braved Black Thursday in hopes of securing the much coveted Furbie.
I was smashed into a door frame, and repeatedly slapped on the head by much taller people reaching for vouchers.
Never. Again.
Shopping online is a good idea...I turned down a Black Friday freelance opportunity that would have paid $250...just sitting outside a local mall, reporting "live" on my laptop about all the frenzied shopping activity. Trouble is, I don't have a laptop. Boo hoo.
I enjoy your blog! Need to get your book!
Shopping frenzy is so wrong... Its like that the day after Christmas here. I don't get it.
They all need to calm down a bit!! Consumerism is rubbish...
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