Audio Experiment: Two Fat Guys Talking
Once a week or so my friend Wes Bassett & I get together for breakfast and conversation. We often talk about theology.
My son Donald encouraged us to record some of our talks. He wants to turn these into a fascinating, professional quality podcast to be named "Two Fat Guys Talk Theology".
We've tried audio files several times in the past, but screwed up because we don't know enough about computers (or theology) to make the thing work.
Recently Donald installed a new microphone thingy on my computer so now we can do audio files -- maybe.
Of course, today's topics ranged from cooking on wood stoves and brewing moonshine whiskey to training teams of oxen. What inspired these topics was that last week Wes drove from Jacksonville, Florida, up to the Foxfire Museum in northern Georgia.
No theology at all today. But that's the way it goes when friends get together to laugh and talk with no agenda or rehearsal.
So here goes a try (Takes about 80 seconds to download) at a 17-minute audio file on old time country stuff:
!!! Sorry. Screwed up again -- only half the conversation plays before the tape? or whatever it's called on a computer? goes into a loop repeating from the start... I'll ask Donald to get it right as soon as possible.
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posted by John Cowart @ 12:12 PM

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