The World Around Me
I view my diary as an archive of events taking place in my own little world, but occasionally I raise my head to look around at what’s going on in the world around me and I leave a note for the Kid In The Attic.
I envision the Kid In The Attic as a young person who will happen across my old diaries in a box in some dusty attic a hundred years from now. I want him to know how a Christian life was lived by one lone guy in the past; he will see good and bad in my life with little varnish. That way he’ll know what he may be getting into if he chooses to make his own commitment to Christ.
“The only thing that keeps an archivist going is the thought that what he’s doing today will be appreciated a hundred years from now when somebody who can really make a difference to society uses the materials”.
—Charles A. Goodrum
Director of Research
Library of Congress
So, Kid In The Attic, here’s a brief overview of the world around me at this moment:
This morning’s news tells of an 8.2 earthquake and tsunami that hit Samoa and Indonesia overnight leaving hundreds dead.
My diary archives for May 29, 2006, tells about how one of my Christian books was translated into the Indonesian language. Indonesia has the largest Muslim population of any country on earth. I hope my tiny voice of witness comforts some of the people in that suffering nation.
The enemy in Afghanistan killed five Americans yesterday. That war goes on. The news hardly tells about any enemy killed by American troops.
In Great Britain, a couple inherited an old farm. Good news. Immediately the couple was presented with a bill for 230,000 £ for renovations to the parish church. It seems that back in the 1530s, when King Henry VIII granted the farm to the couple’s ancestors, the King made a law stipulating that whoever owned the Glebe Farm must pay for any upkeep to the local Parish church, St. John The Baptist, Ashton Cantlow, Warwickshire.
Shakespeare's parents were married in that church.
Here are photos of Glebe Farm and that ancient church from the Daily Mail at

The couple protested the bill for church repair to Parliament but the ancient law was upheld. Bad news. The couple must sell the farm to pay the church’s expenses.
I’m sure glad that here in this country we have separation of church and state. Of course, I also believe that churches and other religious organizations should not be exempt from property taxes. Churches ought to pay taxes like everyone else without exception. God is not broke, He can afford to render to Caesar.
The National Weather Services reports that no hurricanes are likely to form in the Atlantic in the next two days. No hurricane has threatened Florida this season—so far.
Archaeologist in Rome have uncovered the gears of a huge revolving dining room in the remains of Nero’s Palace, Domus Aurea, "The Golden House" on Palatine Hill. Apparently the room revolved giving diners a different, ever-changing view of the gardens. The gears were turned by water pressure. Long ago I wrote a piece, The Ugliest Picture In The World, which tells about an early antiChristian graffiti found in the Domus Aurea. It’s the earliest pictorial representation of Jesus Christ.
Politicians are doing political stuff.
Congress continues to bat the issue of healthcare around. I imagine that final bill will spell out that it includes coverage for every citizen except John Cowart.
The nation is gearing up for a massive Porky Flu inoculation (more about that locally).
The current economic crisis continues.
The recent floods are receding in Atlanta, Georgia.
After months of bickering like kindergarteners, and threatening to beat us up and take our lunch money, yesterday the City Council finally passed a budget. Libraries will stay open. Garbage will be collected. An ambulance may come if you have a heart attack. Police will still patrol our streets. And city money will still subsidize gravy businesses like the Landing and that football team.
After year after year after year of delay, the new court house is being built. When Ginny and I drove by the site last night, we saw construction workers busy—earning overtime pay.
Because of Porky Flu, yesterday, five area Baptist hospitals limited visitation to only immediate family members who must wear masks. As of last week, there have been 91 H1N1 deaths in Florida, including eight in Jacksonville—so far.
Our Neighborhood
Our Neighborhood Watch meeting Monday night drew 22 people, our best attendance in ages. Police officers said JSO has only responded to ten calls here in the past month, which makes us one of the most crime-free areas in Jacksonville. Our Neighborhood Watch is working. Lisa, Carol and Warren put an enormous amount of work into making this meeting successful.
The home mortgage crisis hits our neighborhood hard. Carol reported that on our block of 57 houses, 14 now sit empty because of foreclosures.
Lisa is putting together a local newsletter to keep all posted. I encouraged people to sign up for the next Citizens Emergency Response Team classes.
Ginny and I continue to seek the Lord’s guidance about heater A/C repairs.
Yesterday, I proofed the first 40 pages of the book I’m writing about seeking and doing the will of God.
Ginny and I volunteered to help out with the massive, city-wide Porky Flu vaccination for every person in Jacksonville. We have to take an Incident Control class to orient us to serve. This is related to FEMA’s bioterrorism section.
Our youngest son, Donald, continues to teach theology to his cat. Yesterday, he uploaded another video for Morning Seminary at .
Thinking of Donald, I contributed this to our Neighborhood Watch newsletter:
John’s Joke
Dinner At The White House
To foster goodwill, President Roosevelt invited some ordinary citizen to each state dinner at the White House.
When Joe received his invitation, he panicked. He’d never been to a state dinner before and did not know how to act. Had to rent a tuxedo.
His wife reassured him. “Just watch the President,” she said. “Do what he does. Use the same kind of fork he picks up. Use the same kind of glass he drinks from. If you do just what the President does, you’ll be fine”.
At the formal dinner Joe watched the President. He used the same kind of silverware, the same kind of crystal all through the meal.
When coffee was served, the President placed his right in the middle of the table in front of him. Joe placed his right in front of him.
The President removed his cup from his saucer and set the cup on the white tablecloth. Joe removed his cup from his saucer and placed it aside too.
The President picked up a silver creamer and poured milk into his saucer. Joe took a silver creamer and poured milk into his saucer.
Setting his saucer on the floor, President Roosevelt said, “Young man, I don’t know what you’re doing, but I’m giving some milk to my cat”.
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posted by John Cowart @ 9:49 AM
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