Dressing For Heaven & I Do Not Turn Green
Please Note: Over the next few days I am changing this site. The address will stay the same, but I have to transfer to a new software, new server, new format, new look, new features, etc. But it’s the same old me.
While making these changes, I plan to re-post some of my favorite entries from former days. Please bear with me as I learn how to work this new system. This post starts on page 248 in my book A Dirty Old Man Goes Bad:
— Thanks, John
Dressing For Heaven
Traditional imagery pictures people in Heaven as wearing gold-foil hats and flowing gauze robes. Friday, I imagined a different picture; I imagined that I would stand before the throne of God wearing the very same clothes that I have given to the poor.
Yes, all afternoon Ginny and I padded around the house in our underwear trying on all our clothes to see if they fit as we cleaned out our closets and packed up clothes to send to the poor at the mission.
Ginny is infuriatingly systematic, methodical, and self-disciplined. In her closet she has 20 green clothes hangers, 20 blue ones, 20 white ones, and 10 clear plastic hangers. She keeps 20 dresses for work on the green ones, 20 casual outfits on the blue ones, etc. I’m not sure about the exact numbers or color codes but you get the idea.
She refuses to add to the number of hangers.
That means that whenever she gets a new office dress, an old one must go. A new casual blouse means that one now on the hanger must come off.
That way she only has her very favorite clothes in her closet at any given time. No muss, no fuss, no clutter.
She’s the same way about her books. She has one bookcase. When she gets a new book, an old one must be replaced so her shelf space remains constant…. On the other hand, I have ELEVEN bookcases in our house and piles of books on the floor, in chairs, under the bed, in the closet… Well, you get the idea.
Yet, somehow this strange woman and I remain married.
Another factor adds to the clutter in our house. For some reason our friends, neighbors and children bring us stuff to go to the mission. I mean, even back when we did not own a car, folks who did would bring mission donations to our house and I’d have to borrow a van or something to get the donations out there to the poor. That still goes on, so the foyer of our home is always piled with bags and boxes of stuff to go the mission.
We cleared the foyer yesterday morning and took out a load, but already another three black plastic garbage bags full of clothes are in our foyer. I’m looking at them right this minute!
Anyhow, yesterday Ginny and I also cleaned out our own closets. This meant we were constantly having to make decisions as to what clothes to keep and which items should go to the poor.
This presents me with a dilemma.
What do I sent to the poor, what do I keep for me?
Pants are easy. If they still button and zip and I can sit down in them, they stay. Those that have shrunk too much for me to zip up, some poor guy can wear them.
Shirts present a different problem. Some are easy to send to the suffering poor. For instance that tee-shirt with cute fuzzy kittens in a basket on the chest that Aunt Hazel gave me – hey, the poor like kittens, don’t they?
But here’s that neat tee-shirt I bought myself, the one with the pack of wolves eating into a harp seal with blood and seal guts strewn about in the snow — That’s a keeper. Definitely a keeper. I’ll be such a hit when I wear that one to Jennifer’s Christmas party.
So I made choices about which shirts to send to the poor — that’s when I got the idea that the clothes we’ll have to wear in Heaven will be the ones we give to the poor here on earth.
As I recall, Russian writer Leo Tolstoy said that what we have there, is what we give here; and I think C.S. Lewis said the same thing about the books we’ll still have in Heaven. Apparently, we lay up treasure in Heaven by giving to the poor on earth.
I doubt that’s right. Sounds too much like salvation-by-works to me but, nevertheless, I suspect that Christ approves of us giving our best.
We can’t brown nose God. Giving to the poor should simply be an expression of our love for the Lord Christ, Prince of the Poor, who though He were rich yet made Himself poor for our sakes.
Be all that as it may, as I packed stuff to go to the mission, I got this ridiculous idea about what clothes I might have available to wear in Heaven.
Do I really want to appear before the throne of Almighty God in castoffs, with my bare belly hanging over pants that won’t zip and wearing fuzzy damn kittens on my chest?
Speaking of clothing… The following entry is from page 66 of A Dirty Old Man Gets Worse:
I Do Not Turn Green!
When I get uptight, scared or angry, my ribs hurt.
Why do my ribs hurt?
Because I press my elbows so tight against my sides; I also cross my ankles and press my knees together so hard that they hurt too.
I spent most of yesterday and last night and a good part of this morning in that condition.
This is not good.
Oddly enough, this doesn’t happen in times of real danger or crisis, just in social situations. I can speak before a large group with no problem because that is a structured situation, but at a party or funeral or Sunday School breakfast, or such… I clam up big time. It’s really painful.
What about the peace Christ is supposed to give us Christians?
Doesn’t work for me.
Not in social situations.
Anyhow, inspired by the movie I watched last night, as we dressed this morning I put on my Incredible Hulk tee shirt to work in while I formatted the Joseph Pyram King autobiography.
Ginny noticed my Hulk tee shirt and said, “Are you going to be the Incredible Hulk today?”
“No,” I said. “I wish I was. When I get hurt or angry I don’t turn green, grow huge biceps and smash things; I just get quite and withdraw into my shell.”
“I’ve noticed that,” she said. “When you get upset, you turn into --- the Incredible Sulk!”
I love her dearly, but sometimes Ginny is a smart ass.
Please, visit my website for more www.cowart.info and feel free to look over and buy one of my books www.bluefishbooks.info
posted by John Cowart @ 3:27 AM

I think I really like Ginny, and I'm intrigued by the concept of us wearing the clothes in heaven that we've given to the poor.
Dear John C,
I admire your Ginny for her thoroughness even when it comes to organizing her wardrobe.
I bet she'll go dressed like a queen in heaven.
If I get back the slim figure of my youth, I will not look so badly dressed either.....
Else I have the best experiences with giving tithe.
"Try me in this way, the Lord says.
He hasn't failed me yet.
In fact I consider the tithe my best insurance.
I consider it a credit to your good reputation that people trust you to bring their gifts to the mission.
Through your boos and your lives, you are salt and light in the world.
Even better than turning green.
From Felisol
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