Rabid Fun

John Cowart's Daily Journal: A befuddled ordinary Christian looks for spiritual realities in day to day living.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Mary? Eleanor? Where Are You?

The book I’m writing requires many footnotes.

I’ve worked on this manuscript, If God Leads Me Why Do I Run In Circles, off and on for years and I tend to forget where I got what?

If I steal material from one writer, that’s plagiarism; but if I steal from many writers, that’s research. I research biographies, histories and reference books a lot because other writers say what I want to say better than I can say it.

Thus, piles of book surround me as I work. As I read in my easy chair, a dozen sharp pencils at hand; books balance on the aquarium; books clutter the coffee table; books pile up in my lap; books, some open, some closed, fill the end table. The books bristle with bookmarks and Post-it notes like flattened sea urchins.

Camouflage for an uneducated man trying to write authoritatively.

So, yesterday I wondered whether it was Mary Chesnut or Eleanor Chesnut I wanted to quote? Mary Chesnut wrote an extensive diary during the Civil War; Dr. Eleanor Chesnut died a martyr during China’s Boxer Rebellion.

Which one wrote that poem?

And where did I put her book?

Fear for your lives goldfish as I try to browse the titles poised above you without getting out of my chair.

I narrowly avoided setting a Post-it note on fire as I fiddled with the stack of books by the ashtray. I shifted my feet, propped on the coffee table, to seek the volume I wanted there.

Nothing for it.

I’d have to get up out of my chair.

I found my glasses and put them on.

I stacked this book and that one on the floor beside me to go check the bookcase in the foyer…Oh. Here’s the book I wanted—it was open in my lap the whole time I was searching.

Must be some deep spiritual lesson here somewhere.

But I can’t figure out what it is.

By the way, here’s a photo of the lady:

P.S.: To family members in Maryland and Virginia complaining about Friday’s snow blizzard… It was so bad here in Jacksonville that yesterday when I was cleaning the swimming pool, the water felt so cold I could hardly stay in for more than 30 minutes.

P.P.S.: As I write this I hear Ginny behind me running the vacuum cleaner.

It sounds odd.

I look around to see her chasing some flying bug around the living room trying to slurp it from the air with the vacuum hose.

We both start laughing like crazy.

A typical Sunday afternoon at the Cowarts.

PPPPPSSSS: It’s now 4:18 Monday morning. I knocked off work for a few minutes to go outside and watch the space shuttle launch. Standing on our pool deck, I saw the rocket arc as though it were flying above the rising moon. Beautiful!

Glad to have seen this. If I understand correctly, this is to be NASA’s last launch (last night launch?) for a decade…. But I don’t want to start a tirade about that.

Please, visit my website for more www.cowart.info and feel free to look over and buy one of my books www.bluefishbooks.info
posted by John Cowart @ 4:32 AM


At 8:49 AM, Blogger Amrita said...

If I steal material from one writer, that’s plagiarism; but if I steal from many writers, that’s research.Another gem from you,


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