My Triumph Over Temptation—after a fashion

Yesterday I meet a strong temptation and I resisted it—for all of 12 minutes.
Then, I succumbed as usual.
But for a whole 12 minutes there, I triumphed over temptation.
Won’t Jesus be just tickled pink with me?
Stronger Christians exist, I know. But I’m not one of them. In fact, I don’t ever recall resisting any temptation for very long. When tempted to do anything, I eventually give in and do what I know is wrong, or I avoid doing what I know is right.
That phrase in the Lord’s Prayer, “Lead us not into temptation” has meaning for me. The only wrong things I’ve not done are the ones I’ve never been tempted to do.
For instance, I’ve never been drunk. No virtue on my part. It’s just that I’ve never had a taste for liquor—never been tempted to over indulge.
On the other hand, resentment, bitterness, petty theft, gossip, anger, secret lust, carnal cravings, harsh words, obstinate opinions, all sorts of mental cruelty, backbiting, ambition, inordinate love of possessions, hypocrisy, vicarious enjoyment of other people’s sins, and a host of other sins—those catch me every time, as well as even more squalid iniquity.
I wallow in that stuff.
See why I need a Savior?
There was a reason Christ died on that cross.
But, doesn’t the Scripture say that God will with every temptation make a way to escape that ye may be able to bear it?
Funny thing that.
The few times I can recall escaping temptation, it wasn’t my own doing. Like that time parked petting with that girl as we kissed goodnight in front of her house and all systems were GO, but her father came out to the car and interrupted us moments before lift off…. I was saved from temptation, but I was not happy about it one bit.
Back on July 26, 2007, I wrote a another entry about temptation, “The Most Effective Spiritual Phrase We can Ever Use”.. It works but I still haven’t altogether absorbed that lesson myself.
Another thing, I have trouble telling the difference between an opportunity and a temptation. Like if I’m working on one project when the chance to move on to another one comes up; is the new thing a temptation to keep me from finishing project one, or is this the sign to abandon a futile project and move ahead into a new venue?
Beats me how to tell the difference.
You pays your money and you makes your choice—and live with the consequences.
What brought up this train of thought?
At the moment I’m facing a long-term temptation. I’m torn between trusting the Lord to provide, or taking matters into my own hands. Or is taking matters into my own hands an expression of trust in God and an exercise in common sense?
This dwells on my mind gnawing at me this morning.
I do not know how it will turn out.
Maybe I’ll triumph over this particular temptation.
I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me—for at least 12 minutes.
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posted by John Cowart @ 5:42 AM

Well, if you can resist for 12 minutes, then 12 more... I've done that with cheesecake. :-)
Stubborn desires die hard.
Thank you for looking over my blog...peace to you. ~Mary
Congrats for the 12 minutes John
Congrats on the 12 minutes!
I am always reminded of Jesus telling the disciples, "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." Oh how true!
I know exactly where you're coming from..and exactly where you are going. Keep up the good work.
Dear John C,
I can, I can do it on me own alone.
Some of my first, famous phrases.
I still have that little girl inside of me, wanting to cope, wanting to perform..on my own.
My baby brother was even worse (or at least not better). He has a head for all kind of games. He also has been tormented by migraine from the age of 5.
Once he was off to play in a county competition of chess.
"Don't pray for me mother, I want to win this on my own," he said and did.
I am honestly not good at being a Christian at all. I have mt own prayer room, "The Chapel", Gunnar names it. I use it only too seldom. Been there today though, for seven minutes.
Because I needed too, not because I am pious.
My all time favorite, Peter, am I glad he's the one I shall meet by the pearly gate. He got to see greater wonders than I can ever hope for, and he fell flat on his face over and over again.
Jesus called him The Rock.
I don't think we shall have to triumph over anything.
We shall, like children come to him for help.
From Felisol
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