Joking With Ginny
Yesterday at the barbecue restaurant they served an Old Folks Special at a discount price. To balance the meal and make it healthy, you may also order veggies — Fired okra, fried potatoes, fried onion rings, fried mushrooms, fried squash.
Ginny and I ordered the pork plate special and while we waited for our meal, I told her this great joke:
A woman was getting married for the fifth time and told her friend about her wedding plans.
“What happened to your first husband?” the friend asked.
“He ate poison mushrooms and died”.
“What happened to your second husband”?
“Ate poison mushrooms and died”.
“The third husband”?
“Same thing. Ate poison mushrooms and died”.
“What about your last husband”?
“Oh, he died of a broken neck”.
“That’s terrible,” said the friend. “How did that happen”?
“He wouldn’t eat the mushrooms”.
I roared laughing at my joke and Ginny smiled her usual tolerant smile.
When our food arrived, I noticed that the waitress had brought us thin slices of barbecue beef instead of the thin slices of barbecue pork that we’d ordered. Ginny looked at her plate and said that it looked alright to her.
So I asked, “Don’t you know how to tell the difference between beef and pork”?
“They look and taste the same to me,” she said. “How can you tell the difference”?
“One says MOO,” I said.
And I laughed my head off because of that look on her face. “After 40 years of marriage, you still love my jokes, don’t you,” I said.
“I married you for better and for worse. — And worse and worst and worst,” Ginny said. “How’d you like to order some mushrooms”?
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posted by John Cowart @ 5:49 AM

good one John. Ginny you 're an angel
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