More About Love and Garbage
The mystery of the missing cat photo is solved.
Back on December 11th (see archives) I wrote about digging through garbage to find a missing photo of Ginny’s beloved damn cat, Jessica.
How I sifted through onion scraps and coffee grounds trying to locate that two-inch square photo, the only one of the cat that Ginny had.
And I told about how that dog in the next yard had killed Jessica as Ginny helpless watched from our bedroom window.
And how we scoured the house looking for that missing photo.
And how I moved the refrigerator just in case the photo had fallen out of its magnet frame and slipped behind.
Well, the mystery of the missing cat photo is solved.
A burglar stole it.
Not a burglar exactly but our daughter Eve, an accomplished sneak thief.
On Christmas day it came out that Eve had slipped the cat photo out of our house thinking we would not miss it. Eve took the treasured photograph and had it professionally digitalized and enlarged and enhanced and gave it back to Ginny for Christmas.
Here’s what the enlarged photo (now 7X10 inches) looks like now:

Eve did all this stuff with the photo for the same reason I dug in the garbage looking for it.
Love manifests itself in many ways.
Eve could have clued me in and saved me a lot of digging through garbage, but she wanted to keep her gift a secret.
Ginny is thrilled.
Even with all the digital enhancements, the cat still looks malevolent to me.
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posted by John Cowart @ 5:22 AM

I didn't steal it. I had a duplicate made when I originally took the picture with my camera.
I just happened to have the duplicate in my photo album in the under the bed bin and dug it out.
Gee, I like making it in your blog Dad but not that way....
Sorry, Eve. I must have misunderstood. I thought you said you'd taken the one from the refrigerator magnet; I suppose you meant that you'd taken (ie. snapped) the original photograph.That's why you had a copy...
Does this mean I still have to keep searching the house for the little one?
I have an extra little one that I made the copy from. You can have that... but only if you promise not to lose it.
Oooh, I have stumbled on family accusations and co-accusations! Of course, it all sounds very good-humoured!
I was going to say that the cat photo mystery had a lovely answer, but although the mystery remains, I will now simply say the the gift for Ginny was such a thoughtful one.
Hope your Christmas was full of thoughtfulness like Eve's.
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