Still Click'n
Still putting in marathon days and nights formatting Barbara White’s Along The Way series. (My August 20th blog post explained what I’m doing with this manuscript)
Last night in juggling these 800+ pages of copy, I realized that somewhere along the way in the past couple of days, I’d keyed Control C, which copied text but leaves it in place, instead of Control X, which would erase the text here but save it to paste there.
So when I pasted it there, I ended up with 42 pages duplicated in two separate places miles apart in the scrambled manuscript!
I had to track down each page separately.
When I discovered my mistake, I said, “O dear.”
I don’t know who these other two guys are, but I’m the one in this picture shown editing reams of Barbara’s text:

But I’m still at it — sent another 200 pages to the printer for proofs yesterday.
I may take a lick’n but I keep on click’n!
Last night, I found Donald’s devotional site ( at ) very helpful in my frustration over not understanding computer, or my life, or God, or the world in general.
Here’s the thought from Charles Spurgeon:
"Hast thou entered into the springs of the sea?"
--Job 38:16
Some things in nature must remain a mystery to the most intelligent and enterprising investigators. Human knowledge has bounds beyond which it cannot pass. Universal knowledge is for God alone.
If this be so in the things which are seen and temporal, I may rest assured that it is even more so in matters spiritual and eternal.
Why, then, have I been torturing my brain with speculations as to destiny and will, fixed fate, and human responsibility?
These deep and dark truths I am no more able to comprehend than to find out the depth which coucheth beneath, from which old ocean draws her watery stores.
Why am I so curious to know the reason of my Lord's providences, the motive of His actions, the design of His visitations?
Shall I ever be able to clasp the sun in my fist, and hold the universe in my palm?
Yet these are as a drop of a bucket compared with the Lord my God.
Let me not strive to understand the infinite, but spend my strength in love.
What I cannot gain by intellect I can possess by affection, and let that suffice me. I cannot penetrate the heart of the sea, but I can enjoy the healthful breezes which sweep over its bosom, and I can sail over its blue waves with propitious winds.
If I could enter the springs of the sea, the feat would serve no useful purpose either to myself or to others, it would not save the sinking bark, or give back the drowned mariner to his weeping wife and children.
Neither would my solving deep mysteries avail me a single whit, for the least love to God, and the simplest act of obedience to Him, are better than the profoundest knowledge.
My Lord, I leave the infinite to Thee, and pray Thee to put far from me such a love for the tree of knowledge as might keep me from the tree of life.
Please, visit my website for more and feel free to look over and buy one of my books
posted by John Cowart @ 4:27 AM

As mother Theresa would say....let the infinite overcome the finite....
I pray it will be so with you.
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