I’m Not Commendably Decent At This Hour
It’s almost 4 a.m. and I’ve been at work for three hours now — yes, a disturbing dream woke me up a bit earlier than usual.
In my dream Ginny got into a shouting match with a waitress in a crowded restaurant. Considering that in our 40 years of marriage, I’ve never heard Ginny shout at anybody for anything, you can see why I found this dream disturbing.
Once awake I continued scanning Barbara White’s 15-years-worth of newspaper columns. I’m about a third of the way through now (my blog for Monday, August 20th describes the project).
I’m tired so here is a sample column from Barbara:
Commendably Decent
Now I know how the company that makes Kleenex feels when somebody calls some other tissue by that name.
I have just learned that Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary says the word Christian can be used to describe someone as "commendably decent or generous."
The person doesn't even have to believe in Jesus Christ.
Kimberly-Clark Corp. has fiercely protected the use of the name Kleenex.
Obviously, Christ's followers haven't done the same about the word Christian.
We have allowed what it means to follow Christ to be so watered down that being commendably decent is enough to earn that precious title.
Jesus, who died on the cross, was not just commendably decent.
He was a great deal more than that. I believe His followers are to be more than that, too.
He was tenderly loving to sinners. He was passionately confronting to hypocrites. He abandoned His own interests in obedience to the Father — to the point of death.
I'm afraid people don't see that when they look at us. That's why Christianity has become something so wan as to qualify for the description of merely decent.
The problem is most of us really don't "die." :
We surrender to God here and there in little ways — in decency and generosity. But we do not "die" in the big ways — in surrender of our wills to His will or in giving our lives for others.
We just don't.
So I suppose we have earned that new definition.
Sadly, many of us appear to be satisfied with that definition. It asks no more than we can easily give.
These Christians ask very little of anyone else, of course. They settle for this least common denominator and call it love and acceptance.
On the other hand, some of us ask a lot more — only we ask it of others. And we don't ask, we demand. Then we condemn those who don't meet our demands.
Jesus could speak pretty harshly when He chose. But mostly only the Pharisees received the brunt of His harshness. And it was their insistence that other people follow their dictates that brought out Jesus' strongest words of condemnation.
Some people have embraced a weak imitation of Christianity because of the teachings of certain Christians.
Some have turned their backs on Jesus because of the actions of others.
What a quandary.
Do I have a solution? I think I do.
As a follower of Jesus Christ I believe I must be tremendously tough and enormously loving and tender.
I must demand a great deal of myself in the areas where God has spoken to me. My God will deal with me according to His wisdom, power and goodness — if I am willing to let Him do it.
He will show me what is needed to make me like Jesus — much more than commendably decent.
And I must allow others to be dealt with the same way — by God. I should tell them what I believe to be God'’s truth, but I must leave the Spirit room to work.
Jesus said that when He is lifted up He will draw all men to Him.
So Christians need to lift Jesus up. That means we need to become so filled with Him that He is all people see when they look at us.
I'm afraid we have been too busy lifting up our own versions of who He is and not the Lord Himself. I'm afraid we will lose sight of who He is ourselves if we do that long enough.
Barbara’s own blog, Along The Way, can be found at http://alongthewaybybw.blogspot.com/
Please, visit my website for more www.cowart.info and feel free to look over and buy one of my books www.bluefishbooks.info
posted by John Cowart @ 4:04 AM

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