My Life In Camelot
Ginny took Friday off work because we both had doctors’ appointments.
We spent five hours in that waiting room!
Thus, Mr. Spurgeon’s observation on waiting from yesterday’s devotional e-mail certainly proved appropriate for my day.
Incidentally, I didn’t include a link to my son’s blog; it’s Donald’s blog at . He’s just posted the oddest thing about prayer. His worldview leaves me in wonder.
As soon as we got home from Dr. Woody’s office (Nothing much new on our medical front: my prostate cancer is still growing along fine; Ginny’s diabetes is still thriving. Same old thing.) … As soon as we got home from the doctor’s office, Barbara called with news.
Last night she finished the last of the four paintings she wants to use as front covers for the books in her Along The Way series. Here’s a photo her art teacher took of her at work on one of them:

That’s her famous chartreuse hat she’s wearing as she paints.
Late Thursday night I sent the first 200 pages off to the printer for galley proofs.
It occurred to me as I worked that my sole qualification for this work is that I’m willing to do it!
Besides, I get to add the title, Enditor, to my name in print (That’s a wonderful 16th Century joke from the Ward Diary that nobody on earth appreciates but me).
Barbara brought her paintings over to show Ginny and me. I scanned them into the computer and e-mailed them to Helen for a professional opinion. I don’t care for one of the paintings but as a graphic designer, Helen has a developed eye for such things and overruled me. Here is a photo of the back cover Helen designed for the first of Barbara’s books:

This World War I memorial fountain and statue of Winged Victory is a famous Jacksonville landmark; it’s in a riverfront park just a few blocks from our home. The plaque says it’s a statue of “Youth rising above the turmoil of war” — it’s also a great spot to fish for mullet.
Barbara treated Ginny and me to a late lunch, driving miles across town to her favorite restaurant only to find it closed, then back across town to a great seafood place.
Gave us all plenty of time to catch up on conversation.
This day helps me realize how privileged I am to be part of such a wonderful family. I’m honored that all these talented people invest so much time, money and energy into my pet project of writing and publishing all these different books.
This morning Dr. Woody and I talked more about books than medicine. He questioned me about the business end of our venture and seemed amazed that Ginny and I are so dedicated to such an unprofitable venture.
I rather doubt that any of our work will ever prove commercially viable; Richard Murdock can rest easy with his crown.
Yet, I’m part of this wonderful team of people who believe in what we are doing and work together, each person a vital part of the whole unit.
We feel that in some measure we are honoring and worshiping the Lord Christ in what we do and how we work — in the awful jokes, the tears, and the teasing, the laughs, the planning and plotting, even in my fretting..
Once Jesus said “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them”.
That’s why we do it.
That’s what we are.
It’s all Him.
But, it seems there’s a bottleneck in this smooth operation — Remember Lucy & Ethel in the candy factory?
If you’re too young to remember that , get a video of the old tv series I Love Lucy; you’ll love it!
So, now, if you’ll excuse me, I still have another 600+ eggs to add to the pyramid.
Please, visit my website for more and feel free to look over and buy one of my books
posted by John Cowart @ 2:20 AM

I envy you and Ginny in your partnership. Kathy and I have most things going for us, but we aren't pulling together in faith the way we used to.
you said that you would leave a number. she never called.
does she want to hide forever. I want to know. If she does not call. you figure it out??????
Buckshot36c, I gave her the number and asked her to call you. What happens now is her decision.
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