Rooting For The Blue & White… Or For The White & Blue
Sunday Ginny and I thrilled to the early football game in which the Chicago Bears won over the New Orleans Saints.
Two excellent teams — both deserving Superbowl contenders.
Then we prepared to watch the second playoff game.
We draped a blanket over the sofa to snuggle under. We broke out the tv trays. We ordered carry out bar-b-que sandwiches and fries. We popped open cans of soda. We checked the tv schedule and changed to the channel showing the last playoff game.
Imagine our surprise to see only one huge team on the field — 22 players dressed in blue and white uniforms with white helmets.
No. Wait a second. There do seem to be two opposing teams. If you look closely, one team wears silver helmets that just look white. Oh, I get it. One team has blue pants and white shirts while the other team dressed in blue pants and white shirts… No. Some shirts are white and some are blue — except when there was a fumble and then all legs looked blue and white… or maybe it was white and blue.
Phooey on it.
Who needs such stupid hassle.
Doesn’t somebody in tv land ever think about how a game will look on an actual tv set?
We watched the jumble for ten or fifteen minutes then clicked off the tv and read murder mysteries all evening.
On Superbowl Sunday, I’m rooting for the Bears…
Assuming I can tell which team is the Bears.
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posted by John Cowart @ 4:52 PM

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