Light is come into the world, but…
Yesterday Beauty had a hard time getting to work; when she arrived, she found that police had sealed the main entrance with crime tape, so she had to go in a side gate to park.
A coworker who had arrived an hour earlier had discovered the body of a murdered man in front of the office building and called the police.
Ginny’s new office building lies in what has historically been a high crime slum area for many years. The administration built the new facility there as part of a government effort to restore the neighborhood.
Just before Christmas one of Ginny’s coworkers was mugged and robbed in the parking lot. This happened after the security guard had walked the lady to her car. But instead of driving away, after the guard left, she got out of her car again to get something from her trunk. That’s when the robber knocked her down, grabbed her purse, then raced away on a bicycle.
Police have not released any more information about the murder at Ginny’s office yet.
Last night’s tv news said there were six shootings in Jacksonville yesterday
Yesterday afternoon a distraught woman from a nearby home pounded on my door asking if I had seen anyone near her house.
My computer desk faces a window overlooking the street but her house is not in my line of sight.
While she’d been out to a doctor’s appointment, someone had broken into her home.
She was frantic over the damage.
They stole a stereo, her sewing machine, and some other items.
They also trashed her place overturning furniture, smashing dishes and mirrors, etc.
Most disturbing, the intruders ripped the clothes from her closets, piled them in the floor, and set a flaming candle in the circle of cloth. That way, when the candle burned down low enough, it would have ignited the cloth and set her house afire long after they left the scene and were far away.
Fortunately she arrived back home after the intruder left but before the candle scorched the clothing.
Her find upset her.
She ran to another neighbor’s house and the two of them came to me even before they called the police.
But I had neither seen nor heard a thing.
I offered to call the police for her but she did not want them called yet. She hesitated. She seemed reluctant, dazed and stunned as she walked down our driveway.
“He did it,” she said.
“I know he did it,” she said.
“We broke up,” she said.
“The Father Sent The Son To Be The Savior Of The World” ——I John 4:14
“This is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, but men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil,” —— John 3:19
Please, visit my website for more and feel free to look over and buy one of my books
posted by John Cowart @ 6:25 AM

that is nuts!!
People need Jesus!
Remember the days when you never had to worry about this type of stuff? When you didn't have to have a security office walk you to your car to begin with? When, as children, we could play outside until well after dark ... without an adult hovering over us? When locking your front door was unheard of?
It's sad. So sad that our society has become so violent, senseless and irresponsible. I truly believe that one of the biggest problems today is that people are not held accountable. Nobody will not take responsibility for their actions and everything that happens, to them or because of them, is someone else's fault.
Sad. Sad. Sad.
(Thanks for your comments on both my and Stephanie's blogs, John. Steph is an amazing person and the care she gave David over those many painful years was incredible. I've always admired her tremendously for her strength and courage during that time. I honestly don't know if I could have done the same.
I pray that your condition and/or treatment doesn't result in first hand knowledge.)
Those are frightening stories. How I wish life was a little safer.
"This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil." John 3:19
It is as though the mess we once viewed on our TVs, or read about in the newspapers is so much closer to home, now. It is sad.
I've really enjoyed visiting/browsing/reading your site and will definitely bookmark it!
We are living in a vdry violent and wicked world. Two criminals were killed in police chases just outside our wall. I could rename our street Bloody Street.
Amrita (India)
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