Thanks To Many Readers Of Rabid Fun

I find it hard to believe how many people have visited my blog,( ), my online book catalog ( ) and my website ( ) during 2006.
I love you, but you really do need to get a life.
According to the Webalizer Counter Software for this blog, over 62 thousand readers have visited during the year. They hail from 82 different countries and over the course of the year, they wrote 846 comments about my postings.
Thank you very much for the interest you’ve shown and for the encouragement you have given me through thick and thin.
I appreciate you.
Webalizer Stats For My Rabid Fun Blog:

Overall statistics from my website, The Rabid Fundamentalist, show an even wider variety of readers from as many as 106 countries:
Webalizer Stats For My Rabid Fundamentalist Website:

I do wonder if some readers may have been scared off by my title, Rabid Fundamentalist?
I chose that title because the editors at the newspaper where I worked as a mail clerk years ago teased me with that nickname. “Here comes Cowart with more of that rabid fundamentalist crap of his,” they’d say.
I chose to wear their loving taunt as a badge of honor — not because of some high moral principle but just to bug the hell out of ‘em.
I began signing my submissions to the editors with that nickname, Rabid Fundamentalist. We used word processing software called Logicon which only allowed for a three digit extension so my files came through the computer tagged, Rabid.Fun.
That seemed appropriate because much of the stuff I wrote takes a light, superficial approach to life and fun and faith.
On a deeper lever, I like my title because the word rabid conveys the idea of enthusiasm, and I am indeed enthusiastic about life and the love of God.
The word fundamentalist conveys the idea of someone who sticks to the fundamentals, and mine is at best a rudimentary faith for a simple man.
Jesus rose or rotted.
That’s the one fundamental.
If he died and rotted in the dirt then what He said or did has no more weight that the words and actions of Jessie James. Jesus is just another dead guy. The world’s full of ‘em . You can’t walk anywhere without kicking up their dust.
If he rotted then that stuff he taught — nice as it is — just doesn’t matter.
But, if Jesus Christ walked out of that tomb after we tortured him to death, if he walked out under his own steam, then he is declared to be the Son of God by his resurrection from the dead — and what he taught really does matter.
Because we are also headed toward a tomb.
Our own.
If He is indeed the Son of God, the Alpha and Omega, the Prince of Life, the Bright and Morning Star, The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Almighty God, then nothing else in my life counts other than my relationship with Him.
And that means commitment.
Life commitment.
If he’s dead, he’s dead; if he’s living, he’s Lord.
I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, that He rose from death, and that He’d kinda like for us to behave till He comes back; everything else is peripheral intellectual froth.
One of my favorite Scripture verses says, “I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a hope and a future”.
Anyhow, thank you for reading Rabid Fun this past year.
I hope that your watching this particular dirty old man as I flounder daily in problems, confusion and temptations helps make your own life easier.
We’re all in this together.
Please, visit my website for more and feel free to look over and buy one of my books
posted by John Cowart @ 4:28 AM

I wasn't scared by your title, because I just didn't get it, I thought it was some quirky thing...
Happy New Year! glad to be one of those visitors!
I love to read your thoughts and wisdom. Like a boomerang, I just keep coming back.
Happy New Year John! (and to Ginny and the rest of your family too)
I keep coming back because your posts are fun, interesting, inspiring, and full of wisdom. So glad I found your little corner of the web and thanks for coming to mine -- I appreciate your comments.
Happy New Year, John!
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