WWAD — What Would Abraham Do?
Some people drive cars with What Would Jesus Do bumper stickers.
As a kid I used to read Captain Marvel comics, so I think I know what He’d do in my situation.
He’d shout, “Shazam!” and the problem would be fixed.
I’ve tried that. Shazam! Shazam! Shazam! — Doesn’t work for me.
But now Abraham, he’d understand the problem I face.
According to Genesis, chapter 18 verses 11 and 12, when Abraham was over 90 years old, three angles appeared unto him with hard words.
They told him he was going to be hard enough to father a child!
When his wife heard that, “She laughed within herself saying, ‘After I am waxed old, shall I have pleasure?’”
And then maybe Abraham (or maybe it was Sarah) said Shazam or something, and she ended up pregnant.
What brings that section of Scripture to my mind?
Now, at our age neither Ginny nor I desire another baby, but we do relish joyous recreational sex.
When we went yesterday to the doctor’s office, my biopsy report said:
“Prostatic Adenocarcinoma. … The Gleason score of your cancer is 6, Prostate cancer with a Gleason score of 6 is considered low risk. It tends to grow faster than cancers with Gleason scores or 2,3,4, and 5 but is not as aggressive as cancers with higher Gleason scores. About 50% of low-risk cancers will spread beyond the prostate within 10 years”.
The doctor presented Ginny and me with five options about how to handle this.
Each option comes with certain advantages and disadvantages…
Mostly disadvantages.
Ever lace up an old shoe?
A shoe with the end of the shoestring frayed and missing that little stiff tip?
It’s just about impossible to get it through the grommet in the shoe.
If you are too young to know what I’m talking about, get down on your knees and thank God! I pray you will never understand!
Abraham would have understood.
Genesis 18:14 asks, “Is anything too hard for the Lord”?
I know that quote is taken out of context, but I find it appropriate because Ginny and I will face some interesting decisions over the coming months.
What Would Abraham Do?
Oh, here’s a bit of bizarre biblical news:
In the doctor’s waiting room, I read an article from the December issue of The Florida Frontier, a monthly student newspaper.
It seems this music recording company (which I will not dignify by naming) has recorded a tape on which 250 famous actors, actresses, and singers speak roles as characters in various stories from the Bible.
For instance, on this tape Samuel L. Jackson speaks as the voice of God.
And, the article says, “Due to last-minute casting, Michael Jackson was the only choice for the voice of Eve”.
Please, visit my website for more www.cowart.info and feel free to look over and buy one of my books www.bluefishbooks.info
posted by John Cowart @ 8:27 AM

John, I'm very sorry to hear this. We went through this just two years ago, but had to wait until after Christmas and New Year's for the biopsy results -- two weeks! It was horrid to wait but we were pretty sure we knew the outcome. It was cancer, but caught very early.
I say all that to offer you encouragement. My husband had an excellent surgeon and his recovery has been complete. He can even "lace up his shoes."
I also know the fear and anxiety that must be going through your wife's mind and heart right now, and I offer you both my prayers and best wishes for the days ahead.
Merry Christmas!
Bummer, but expected after the not so subtle message from the doctor's office - "come in person and bring your wife".
There are definitely a lot of options out there now for this affliction, so wade through them and good luck with your decisions.
I think this is caused by helping your kids move...
Ah, bleah....what crappy news.
It's a good thing that your cancer is low-grade, but that makes the treatment decision more difficult, right? So many options....
If it cheers you up any, I *will* wink at you. ;-)
Fondest regards to you and Ginny,
Yuck..not the news anyone wants to hear. You seem to have the most wonderful relationship with your wife...how blessed you are.
As you suggested to Margie, kick a cat, it might make you feel better.
Praying for you. Really, I am.
John, I've been praying for you and thinking about you and just now scrolled down to find the results of your doctor's visit. Our deacon went with seeds, and that took care of it for him. I'm sure you're researching the heck out of this, and I hope you find something that will work for you. Still-Merry Christmas to you and Ginny.
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