In Clear, Unambiguous, Exact Language
Today, Ginny and I, along with thousands of others, will vote.
We vote for Governor, for Senator, for Attorney General, etc.
And we get to vote for our choice for who, among candidates I’ve never heard of, will hold offices which I did not know existed.
Not only that, but we also vote on something requiring clear and unambiguous language to be used on future ballots
— At least I think that’s what we’re voting about.
I’m not sure because the ballot which ask me to vote yes or no says:
Referendum For Jacksonville Charter Amendment Regarding The Form Of Referendum Ballots And Financial Impact Disclosure shall section 1805 of the City Charter be amended to allow for a referendum ballot to include only a clear and unambiguous summary of a proposed charter amendment and its financial impact estimate, consistent with state law, when a copy of the complete and exact language of the proposed amendment is posted at each voting location and properly advertised, instead of the current requirement for the complete and exact language of the proposed amendment? Part A. Charter Laws Charter Of The City Of Jacksonville, Florida, Article 18. Miscellaneous Provisions Section 1805. Method of amendment of charter. Subject to the provisions of section 3.01(e) and section 7.103, ….
The ballot continues to describe whatever it is that it is presenting to me, in clear and unambiguous language, for another five column inches before giving me two boxes where I can check either yes or no.
I’m sure you can guess how I will vote about this important matter.
Somehow on Voting Day I take comfort in the words of King Solomon when he said, “The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord”.
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posted by John Cowart @ 5:34 AM

eny meny miny mo...should i vote yes or no...thus i cast my ballots to undermine the future of america. he - he...jennifer
No matter how we vote... let's just hope they count them all this time ;)
We had two state issues dealing with smoking bans today. One was a constitutional amendment, one a statute. Kathy, who does in fact inhale, voted against both of them.
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