And On The Third Day...
Yesterday afternoon Donald and Helen came over for lunch to announce that they are getting married… Next Saturday!
Actually, they wanted to get married today —they’d just come from City Hall after buying their license — but they’d found that state law requires that no matter how horny you are, you have to wait three days after getting a license to get married… or to buy a gun.
So Saturday is the soonest they can have the ceremony.
No problem.
That gives us three whole days to scrounge up a minister, prepare food for the reception, arrange for music, get flowers — and buy them a wedding present.
That last thing presents Ginny and me with a problem.
We’re broke.
This is Skimp Week, the week between one payday and the next. Car and homeowner’s insurance came out of our last paycheck. So we are a bit shorter of cash than usual.
In fact, if I could afford a crayon, I’d get a scrap of cardboard and write Will Work For Food on it.
However, God does provide!
The Spirit reminded me of what’s stored away in our back closet.
So, as we sat around the table discussing wedding arrangements, I casually asked Helen, “Say, were you the one who gave us that glass punchbowl for Christmas? The one with the little dangly cups to hang on the rim? I can’t remember who gave us that thing.”
“No,” she said, “I didn’t give you anything like that”.
“Good,” I said. “Forget I asked.... But, we’ve got your wedding present covered”.
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posted by John Cowart @ 6:26 AM

There is absolutely no need for a gift of any sort (regifted or not). With all the things you and Ginny have given me (and Maggie, and Donald): friendship, advice, and soon a new family, I couldn't ask or want for more.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Hi Helen,
Yes, I know. The only reason I wrote about this incident instead of about the trick-or-treaters last night was that this was so funny when we laughed about it at the table yesterday ...
Besides, Ginny says that thing in the closet is a big salad bowl, not a punch bowl.
I'm really happy that you are already part of my family. Donald is one lucky guy.
Love, Dad
Re-gifting is the new black, John.
Your comment on my blog cracked me up. I actually had someone e-mail me and say, "Who was that JERK that ripped you about commenting?" So I told that person that you are my favorite Jerk, and it's truly cool with me.
I swear, John... some people just don't get us, do they?
And that Helen is one amazingly lucky woman to be able to call you Dad.
That is such wonderful news! Sounds like you are about to acquire another lovely daughter.
Ha ha ha!
I guess the little dangly cups are for salad dressing. Works for me.
Have a happy time on Saturday.
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