Rabid Fun

John Cowart's Daily Journal: A befuddled ordinary Christian looks for spiritual realities in day to day living.

Monday, July 31, 2006

A Typical Weekend

Our weekend involved adultery.

And lust, passion, back stabbing, manipulation, betrayal, deceit, orgies, corruption, poison, stabbing, envy, fighting, incest, cheating, and murder.

Yes, you guessed it. Ginny and I watched all 13 episodes of the Derek Jacobi VCR tapes I, Claudius. back to back.

— best BBC television miniseries ever made!

It's a saga about how each of the first five emperors of the Roman Empire grabbed power.

Thirteen episodes back to back.


And who says we don’t have a life?

How has this marathon bout of tv watching influenced my worldview?

Well, I have this overwhelming desire to lay back on the couch with my head in Ginny’s lap while she feeds me clusters of grapes.

Please, visit my website for more www.cowart.info and feel free to look over and buy one of my books www.bluefishbooks.info
posted by John Cowart @ 6:02 AM


At 8:17 AM, Blogger Seeker said...

Thirteen episodes?!? It might take a while for your eyes to get accustomed to the light of day.

At 5:14 PM, Blogger Jellyhead said...

Laying down being fed grapes by Ginny??! Um, good luck with that!

At 9:10 PM, Blogger bigwhitehat said...

I watched that series in class during Roman History 1.

It wasn't a blow off we also read Tacitus and read from other text.

That was the best history class ever.

At 10:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In your dreams, big guy!


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