Some Sayings:
When Donald came over yesterday bringing a load of stuff for the poor at the mission, he saw the state I’ve let the yard degenerate into and offered to hire a young man to help me catch up on the backlog of yard work next week. Over the years, many times I’ve helped other people that way, so it feels really strange to be on the receiving end of such help.
When Ginny and I went out for breakfast, we talked about a news item which encourages diabetics to become vegetarians. This has no appeal at all for us. But when we went out on the parking lot we saw a new van, I think it belonged to the owner of a near-by BBQ restaurant. The bumper sticker proclaimed:
I did not claw my way to the top of the food chain just to eat vegetables!
The sight of this got us to talking about other sayings, slogans, bumper stickers, quotes, etc. Here are a few I remember:
From a noodle package:
To lower sodium content, add less salt
Grandpa’s comment on a politician:
He’s so greasy that when the world ends, he’ll burn a week longer than anybody else.
Another of Granpa’s observations:
Some folks would complain if you was to hang ‘em with a brand new rope.
Wasn’t it Winston Churchill who said, :
The chief end of all human endeavor is to be happy at home.
Saint Paul said,
The love of God is shown towards us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Bumper sticker:
All Men Are Idiots — And I Married Their King.
Overheard in checkout line:
If I’da killed him when I met him, I’d be a free woman by now.
Jesus said,
He that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out!
Army sergeant said to recruits,
Don’t just stand there. Mill around!
General said,
You can kiss the king or you can kill the king, but you can’t kick the king and get away with it.
A redneck’s famous last words,
Hey there y’all, Watch me!
Line from a b-grade movie as the monster approaches the village:
I guess we’ll have to sacrifice Alice; she’s about the closest thing we got to a virgin in this town.
Don’t know why these sayings struck me, but they did.
Do you have any favorites for the comment section?
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posted by John Cowart @ 5:54 AM

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No matter where you go, there you are.
- The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
Laugh it up, Fuzz ball.
-Hans Solo, Star Wars
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