An Off Day
No posting from me today.
I’m still here, but I’m burned out.
I’ve been editing a 463 page manuscript to reduce it to under 400 pages, lest the price be exorbitant when published.
I’ve just got nothing to say today. If you browse my archives you’re likely to find … Well, you’re likely to find that I had nothing to say in earlier days either – but that didn’t stop me from posting then.
Please, visit my website for more and feel free to look over and buy one of my books
posted by John Cowart @ 6:33 AM

You deserve a break. Everything will wait for a day.
Thanks so much for your concern about our local volcanic activity. I suppose we take volcano reports a lot like folks in the lower 48 take tornado warnings: very scary if they hit you, very seldom do, better safe than sorry.
Augustine is pretty far from where we are, so likely the only effects we would get would be some increased earthquake activity and maybe some ash if the wind is right (or wrong).
I suppose I should be buying pantyhose for my car and my computers. I'm not sure what good that would do except in the very short run. The stuff gets everywhere and blows around for years. Add that to glacial silt and we're forever dusting in Los Anchorage.
thanks again and you know my recommendation: take Ginny out for a destinationless drive and then go out to dinner at someplace super comfortable. The book will still be there tomorrow.
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