Second Thoughts
I'm having second thoughts about my Christianity.
Meeting a man covered with tattoos brought this about.
About a month ago I was over in Arlington to see a lady on business and she introduced me to her son who happened to be in the office. Blue and red tattoos snaked up both his arms and before we shook hands, before the guy said one word, in my mind I wrote him off as a sleaze.
Because some of the tattoos appeared to be amateurish, I thought he’d been in prison when he got them. I thought of him a worthless, no-account, vicious criminal.
But, no sooner than I had these thoughts judging the man, a second thought came to mind: Get real, John! Here is a child of God, a potential saint, a man who may walk in obedience to Christ better than you do, John Cowart. You are judging on an impression with a bare minimum of information.
That second thought caught me up short.
Last Saturday as Ginny and I drove to WalMart, the driver of another car, full of people, crowded us because he was in the turn lane but wanted to drive straight ahead. My first thought – in fact I said most of it aloud – was: You son of a bitch! I hope you crash into that lamp pole and mangle your whole family. I’ll stop and watch you bleed. And I’ll spit in the puddle of blood as I drive past. And darn if I’ll waste one of our cell phone minutes calling 911!
No sooner than I thought all this, I has a second thought: Why are you cursing that guy, John? Haven’t you ever been stuck in the wrong lane yourself?
I saw a girl.
A well endowed girl.
A very well endowed girl.
My first thought was …. Any guesses?
But then comes a second thought: John Cowart. Why are you thinking like that? You have no evidence that she’s a slut. And, no, those would not bounce so vigorously they’d splinter the headboard. What you’re thinking says nothing about her; everything about you. Have you prayed about her problems, her hopes, her destination in life?
I watch the evening news and see more Americans killed in Iraq.
My first thought is: We ought to bring our soldiers home then nuke every town between Spain and Hawaii! No mater which way the wind is blowing, it won’t drop radiation on anyone who means America well.
Then comes a second thought: Many of our soldiers in Iraq are dedicated Christians and by exposing the people to their lives and testimonies, they are influencing the people whose paths they cross toward the Kingdom of Christ. Perhaps, that is why God allows this otherwise senseless war.
I could go on and on – about Hurricane Katrina victims, about foreigners, about politicians, about … Well, you name it.
There’s a pattern here.
My first thought is always hostile, bitter, negative, lustful, greedy, mean-spirited.
My second thought comes closer to being Christian.
In fact, my second thoughts define and identify my faith.
I am not the first Christian to entertain such duel thoughts. St. Paul wrote, “I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate…. I know that nothing good dwells within me, that is in my flesh. I can will what is right, but I can not do it. For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is I do… I see in my members another law at war with the law of my mind…”
There may be people out there who always put Jesus first in their thoughts and actions; but that state is beyond my experience.
Of all the things which race through my mind, Jesus is not always running in first place. He’s not always even in second place. I confess that sometimes He’s number 18 in a field of 30.
But I am a Christian; He is always in the running.
If my life were a tv talk show, on occasion I obey Him as though Jesus were the Director; at other times I treat Him as though He were only a guest celebrity putting in a spot appearance to raise my ratings.
What a shabby way to think.
St Paul once said, “What person knows a man’s thoughts except the spirit of that man? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God”.
So we see thoughts of man on one hand, and thoughts of God on the other.
And His thoughts are higher than our thoughts, yet He knows the very thoughts and intents of our heart.
So here I stand with my first thoughts and my second thoughts.
Sometimes I act on one, and sometimes on the other.
And the Scripture teaches that a Christian’s life involves bringing every thought captive to Christ.
Is it any wonder that I get befuddled?
I’m tempted to say with Miss Scarlet, “I’ll think about that tomorrow”.
In fact, I’m tempted to avoid thinking about such stuff at all.
But the spirit of a prophet is subject to the prophet. I chose which thought I act on.
I hardly ever sit down at my computer without my first thought being, Hey, I wonder if there are any new pictures on that porno site? What harm is there in seeing? Then comes a second thought, How about browsing cartoons instead? Or maybe you should work on that manuscript. Or maybe write a blog posting Both my first and second thoughts hang before me; But I choose where to click.
My second thoughts – and how I act on them – reveal my heart.
OK. Those are my thoughts on the matter, but what about God’s thoughts? What do His thoughts reveal?
One Scripture comes to my mind, a paraphrase of Jeremiah 29:11:
I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, they are thoughts for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
And I think that’s great!
God Almighty has let us in on His own thoughts. And I think that’s great.
I think That's really great.
Please, visit my website for more and feel free to look over and buy one of my books
posted by John Cowart @ 2:50 AM

What you are discribing to me is the "devil and the lord".
See to me every thing we do is a test of our faith. What we choose to do, say or react upon is actually the lord seeing how much faith, trust and understanding of him we have. So when you are tempted, angered or judgemental it is the moment directly after, that is the most important. Will you follow the devil or the lord? That is the question that is the answer that is the test!
The fact that you don't, or stop or change your thoughts show your christianty or belief, your morals.
Those are the time you have passed the test.
Wow, great post - really honest and obviously something you've thought through loads.
Don't give up on your Christianity though - without that, you ONLY get the first thoughts.
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