An Ordinary Day
Yesterday I drained the car’s radiator and poured in new antifreeze. A neighbor saw me working on my car and asked me to jump start hers.
Ginny mended clothes and caught up on odds and ends chores she’s been meaning to get around to.
I answered a few e-mails and researched the shipwreck photos Wes gave me last week, but I couldn’t identify the wreck. It was not the one I thought.
Ginny & I watched football on tv.
A common, ordinary, unexciting day.
My blog heading says I’m a guy who looks for spiritual reality in daily life. So, where is God on a day like this?
The Bible says, “God is near”. It says, “In Him we live and move and have our very being”.
Why wasn’t I aware of Him as I fiddled with the car or watched football?
I wonder if it’s not that He’s far off, but that all of us -- like people who live in the mountains who take the view for granted – I wonder if we grow so accustom to ordinary, daily mercies that we loose sight of Majesty.
I live my life unaware of wonders, insensitive to splendor. Plodding along with my head down, seeing only dirt on earth.
I wonder, are fish aware of water?
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posted by John Cowart @ 6:00 AM

I don't know if fish are aware of water...but somehow I doubt they examine and re-examine their lives the way we humans do!
There have been enough difficult times in my life that I am always grateful for those quiet days when nothing much happens, and we are all healthy and happy. Most of my 'home' days are mundane, yet I often prefer these days to my work is interesting but eternally worrying for me!
Wishing you many more peaceful, 'pottering about' days, with a few fascinating and scintillating events thrown in there to keep you feeling sparky!
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