It's Devilishly Good!
Yesterday? Yesterday? Oh, yes, I remember what I did yesterday; I stayed very busy and accomplished?? Let’s see, come to think of it, I accomplished nothing.
First thing, my friend Wes called and took me out for breakfast where he lavishly tipped the tired, discouraged, old woman who served our table. We delivered some clothes and junk for the poor to the mission. He drove me to the store to buy pipe tobacco – but they were out of my brand. Then we came back to my house where Wes, who is a Master Craftsman Printer, told me all about paper resisters and ink bleeds.
Then I blogged, and then I read computer books, and then my friend Rick dropped by to tell me about his brother in Afghanistan…
Then Ginny came home from work….
And we faced starvation!
We have plenty of groceries in the house… but not a single plate to eat off of.
Unlike many happy couples, Ginny and I have no division of labor rules. Sometimes I cook, sometimes she cooks. Sometimes I take out garbage, sometimes she does, Sometimes she laundrys clothes, sometimes I do. Sometimes she washes dishes, sometimes I do – and sometimes neither one of us does any of that stuff.
We have more important ways to spend our time together.
For instance, Friday we went out for supper, Saturday I took her to that cat show, Sunday, we watched football play off games, Monday we both worked late – so Tuesday, no one had washed the pile of dishes left in the sink, we had no clean plates, no forks, no spoons, no bowls, and thus we faced starvation.
Obviously it was all the cats’ fault!
We saw two possible ways out of our dilemma: we could either wash dishes, or we could order a pizza delivered and eat it with our fingers in front of the tv.
Back before Christmas a local pizza company ran tv ads offering three medium size pizzas with a sprinkling of toppings for five dollars each. They called it their Five, Five, Five Deal.
But when their tv ad ran during the football games Sunday they’d changed the offer. Now they offer three pizzas for SEVEN dollars each. Wisely, they do not call this promotion a Seven, Seven, Seven Deal.
Their ad outraged Ginny.
“They’ve bumped the price of the same pizza up by two dollars each,” she said. “That’s a bigger price hike than gasoline! That’s just too much”.
“They had to go up two dollars because of religious convictions,” I explained.
“What does religion have to do with pizza,” she asked?
“Well, they wanted their pizzas to bring in more cash but they couldn’t raise the price by only one dollar, so they had to raise it by two”.
“Why is that”?
“Well, this is the Bible Belt,” I explained.
“What does that have to do with it”?
“Can you imagine trying to sell 666 Pizza in the Bible Belt”?
We washed the dishes.
Please, visit my website for more and feel free to look over and buy one of my books
posted by John Cowart @ 6:12 AM

That's neat how you have an easy way about your relationship. You may want to keep some paper plates and plastic forks on hand. (tee-hee)
Oh man, that is too funny! The 666 pizza probably would not go over very well at all.
lol... that was a good one too !
What a good point - I would never have thought of the devil-pizza connection!
Check out the comedy sketch "666 Pizza" at youtube. Its a hoot and a half!
Preformed by Alisa Robinson and writen by Jim Tierney.
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