Good, Clean Fun
Sunday afternoon Donald came over and helped me dig out all the old mud foundation from the swimming pool. Shovel. Shovel. Shovel. Donald, a math genesis calculated the pool dimensions (p X18X6ΒΈ2 or three=?). He estimates that we moved 249 square feet (or maybe he said cubit meters, or yards) of mud.
But once I stumped him with this math problem:
If a telephone wire stretched from here to St. Augustine is divided into four sections and on the first stretch of wire sit 500 mockingbirds, and on the second section sit another 500, and on the third another 500, and on the forth still another 500 -- then in metric units, how many mockingbirds are there?
Two Killamockingbirds!
Nothing else to blog about.
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posted by John Cowart @ 3:09 AM

Very funny. In a not-so-funny kind of way, of course ;-)
I agree with Heather, John. Very funny in a not-so-funny kind of way. She is very smart.
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