Rejoice! William Short Is Published And Put To Bed
Yesterday our postman delivered my two sample copies of William F. Short’s 1854 Diary, a book Ginny and I transcribed and edited together. It really proved a challenge for us. The saga of our struggles to produce this book are recorded in my July 2nd posting and following.
The cover of the published book, pictured here, reproduces the old leather cover of the manuscript diary—enlarged many times. It’s now available at .

I urged Ginny to carry her copy in to work with her to show off to her co-workers, but she seems reluctant to—doesn’t want her name associated with mine in her office, I suppose. But I’m proud of the work we did on this. I could not have published this one without her help.
I added my own copy to my vanity shelf.
And there it sits.
Recently I have seen myself as a preservationist. This tattered old diary, record of a man’s life and loves from 150 years ago, would have moldered in a dust bin, had I not rescued it and published it.
Now, thanks to my efforts, it can molder on a much wider scale.
Who reads this stuff anyhow?
However, finally putting Short to bed means I have to move on to the next project—whatever that is. Again, I face the dilemma of deciding what to do next.
The space between finishing one book and starting another pains me.
I despair.
The rush of getting one book finished, the thrill, the sense of accomplishment, dims when I contemplate what to do next.
Of course, the only question for a Christian is, “Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do”?
Nothing else matters.
But I find the process of finding the will of God and answering that question unsettles me. I make lists of book ideas, I wallow in indecision. I weigh factors. I consider marketability. I ponder whether or not readers will be helped. I pray and worry and question and reconsider and worry…
And the time factor overshadows all.
I’ve just turned 70. I’m unlikely to have time to finish writing about all the ideas on my lists. And I wonder if I haven’t run my course. Do I have anything useful or uplifting to say.
And considering the financial success of the twenty or so books I’ve already written or edited, is it time now to recognize my failure, admit defeat, and stop pissing against the wind?
Be all that as it may, once again I enter the doldrums of writing, adrift between one project and the next….
Now, look what I’ve done. I started writing this to celebrate the publication of my latest book and I’ve turned it into a pity party for John Cowart! Woe is me! Woe is me!
Ginny says that were I to win the Lotto jackpot, I’ve view it as a problem.
Alright already. I’ve published William F. Short’s 1854 Diary. Today it goes on sale. Buyers line up on the right. No shoving. There are plenty of copies for everybody.
Today, poor J.K. Rowling frets and weeps and wrings her hands knowing that my book will bump that Harry Potter wimp of hers off the best seller list. Don’t cry, Joanne, maybe someday 150 years from now some guy will find an old copy of your book in a dustbin and publish it for his generation—like I did with William Short’s Diary.
See there, I can too rejoice over my latest publishing triumph.
I’m rejoicing, damnit, I’m rejoicing.
Please, visit my website for more and feel free to look over and buy one of my books
posted by John Cowart @ 6:45 AM

John- I love the cover idea- Rowlings just may get a run for her money!
I'll have to do a feature on my blog about the book. Can you give me some info to pass along? You know, like the stuff that would be on the back, or a paragraph or two from the pages that I could tease readers with? Or some quotes from you about why you chose to write this particular book?
Hey John, I love the cover too. Congrats on another book finished!
And hey, we do things because we love them and God wants us to. You never know who will discover one of your little books and be affected positively by it.
Thanks Sherri,
I've posted what I think you ask for in today's comment section on your blog. I hope your back stops hurting.
And Matt, You express my sentiment exactly about possible future readers, in fact I address many of my remarks to The Kid In The Attic-- an imaginary readers a hundred years from now who finds one of my dusty diaries in the attic of his house (see my July 2nd posting in my blog archives for an example).
"We do things because we love them and God wants us to"... I'll have to think on that a while. Mostly I do what I do because I do it.
Dear John C,
Congratulation with having finished yet another book.
I am flat impressed.
And envious, my face grows greener every day.
I have to quote Peer Gynt: " Wanting it, wishing it, willing it, but doing it, no I don't understand it."
The cover is just so right, makes one want to open a book back to days gone by.
You should also be proud of your daughter Eve.
There's a time for everything.
Now seems to be the time of celebration.
From Felisol
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