An Important Relayed Posting
My e-friend Sherri at wrote this yesterday and asked that it be relayed:

This is a photo of my youngest son's friend Tyson Serles. A private first class serving our country in the US Army.
I remember the night of the Senior Awards, My son Jon and Tyson shared an award for their achievements in Art. Tyson was also honored when he and a few other boys from Jon's class, received large bonus checks from the different branches of service as they signed on to protect their country. When he and the others walked on the stage to receive their awards, I said a little prayer for them, for their protection and wisdom and guidance for whatever would lay ahead of them.
I watched Tyson accept his check with that contagious mile long grin of his, and he practically skipped back to his seat and he was applauded by those in attendance.
Last week we received news that Tyson had been critically injured in a roadside bombing. Sadly, his entire group of soldiers he was traveling with, except for his Sergeant, were either killed or critically injured. Tyson bravely tried to pull his fellow soldiers from the wreckage and witnessed one friend take his last breath.
Tyson is 19 years old, and has already lost an entire group of buddies. One soldier who past away asked Tyson to start the prayer chain before he passed on.
What a load for a young man to carry. He is without family , in a foreign land (Iraq) , with no familiar faces to be by his bedside while he recovers and grieves for his friends and fellow soldiers. What if this were your son, or brother or friend?
According to Tyson's father Tim, his condition has now been upgraded to stable. Tim is asking for cards or letters to be sent to Tyson to encourage him as he recovers.
What a small task for us...what a large impact it can make on Tyson.
Would you please send something to this precious young man who has already sacrificed more than most of us will ever be asked to give. He bravely moved out of his comfort zone on behalf of others. Let's do it for him.
It will take 5 minutes for you to fill out a card, and a very small amount of money to mail it.
Please do this small gesture. I'm counting on you. I'm hoping he gets a room full of cards and letters from all over the world!
Feel free to re-post this, pass it along in an email, put it in a church bulletin, or pass along to any other group that would be willing to take five minutes to help lighten someone's load.
Start your weekend off by doing something for someone else. Whatta' ya' say? Can I count on you?
Mail to:
PFC Serles, Tyson
FOBTF Sparta
HHT, 1-40 CAV (ABN)
APO AE 09354
Please, visit my website for more and feel free to look over and buy one of my books
posted by John Cowart @ 5:12 AM

John, Thank you so most for passing this along. It will mean the world to him and his family.
Dear John,
Not many words.
I've posted your post over at the Pilgrim Pals.
I'll dig out a card today.
From Felisol
Dear John,
I forgot to sign out from that other
blog before I wrote.
Still yours
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