Vacation Weekend Happenings
Ginny and I spend much of our Memorial Day vacation planning for another vacation—Next Fall we celebrate our 41st Anniversary, so we planned for a trip, renting a cabin far our in the woods alone.
We had such fun anticipating as we discussed this site and that before choosing one and making our advanced reservations.
We did part of our planning over lunch at Georgies II BBQ where a young waitress joined us by telling about a trip she and her husband just returned from. They’ve been married seven years and have two children. We Old-Timers had fun giving her advice and she had fun telling us about available cabins in the state park where they went.
Different subject:
Friday when my internet came back up, I checked my e-mail and found one from that radio station in China (broadcasts at ).
Through a complicated process, they got four of my friend Barbara White’s Along The Way books; their e-mail tells me they plan to choose selections from her books to read over the air in their Women’s Segment to be broadcast all over the Far East.
I’m delighted.
I think Barbara’s writings enter the realm of spiritual classics.
Remember when Barbara brought me that flowered shopping bag full of hundreds of newspaper clippings? (See photos in my entry for August 20th, 2007, in blog archives).
At the time, I considered all that just rote donkey work. Turns out that the labor involved is worth it because now her message is reaching the far ends of the earth.
Which brings me to another topic:
When Ginny and I returned from breakfast yesterday, a message on our answering machine tells us that Barbara was admitted to the hospital Sunday morning
We called and find that her cancer has returned and she also has congestive heart failure.
Visitors from her church inundated her room at the moment.
Ginny and I plan to visit later.
Please, visit my website for more and feel free to look over and buy one of my books
posted by John Cowart @ 6:25 AM

So sorry to hear about Barbara. Pray she get well. She is such a precious lady.
Barbara is in my prayers. Where in the mts are you traveling for your anniversary?
Thanks for the prayers for our friend.
Van, if the Lord gives us health and strength, we plan to camp at one of the First Magnitude springs along the Suwanee River.
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